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I'm not a visual artist, as in I can't draw or paint or anything like that for my life, but I do love to write. There are few things better for me than creating a scene with words that can be seen in your head without any reference but the description. Creating characters and story lines and plot twists are some of my favourite things about reading/writing. However, I love a good comic, because I fully appreciate artwork that's done by picture (I could never do it... too little patience and skill) and it combines those elements with the requisite of a good story. I can write poetry, song lyrics if you need, stories, create characters, and create a setting for whatever you might need it for, etc. I do it by request, as well, not commission, so feel free to ask. ^^ My specialties are school papers, actually. I WILL NOT WRITE YOUR PAPER FOR YOU, that's illegal. However, I'm happy to help with whatever you need. I've written papers on books I haven't even opened and received an A in a college-level English class. I do especially well with theses, persuasive, and government/historical, but bring me anything and I'd be happy to see what I can do for you!

Let's see here... I'm graduating very soon and I hope to join the Ohio National Guard and attend Miami University in Oxford, OH for a double-major in Russian and Political Science (maybe go on and get a law degree after that), possibly do ROTC and/or go Active Duty in the Army for a while. After that, I would really love to find myself in the American Justice System (be it a lawyer, a judge, or [preferably] in law enforcement on a federal level) or do something internationally.

As far as interests go outside of FA and writing, I love archery, though it has been a while since I got to do it (as I don't have the money for a new bow and mine is... well... waaay too small, it's a "junior" bow ^^"). My uncle and cousin are actually going to take me out to shoot and get the hang of it before I get my own equipment. I also have this absolute love for pistols, CZ and SIG Sauer are my gotta-have-it brands when I turn twenty-one. I hope to get into hunting at some point, and maybe a little bit of survival, but with time the way it is, it can be a little bit difficult.

I recently found out that a guy who has been my best friend since we were kids is a Fur, I've always loved his art and this discovery just blew my mind. His name is artex. artex. and I encourage you to go watch his page. We're gonna be doing a graphic novel together, as I'm his writer and he's my illustrator, and I hope that anybody who cares enough to read about me will look at my journals to find out more information on this project. ^^ I'm really excited for it.

My first experience in the Furdom as far as actually having my attention grabbed was with the comics Cruelty and Unconditional by rukis rukis. It was probably... I don't know... A year ago, I think, that I started getting into Furs. Until only a while ago, I never really noticed FA, despite the very common reference to it wherever I saw Fur, and I'm really glad that I did eventually check it out.

I suppose that's it, really... Well, hope this little wall of text was an interesting enough read for you. :)


  • I support the troops
  • I'm from Ohio
  • I'm Pansexual
  • I'm Agnostic and Non-Theist
  • I love Philosophy and Law
  • I hate intolerance
  • I'm a strong supporter of gun and firearm ownership
  • I'm a procrastinator





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    Thanks for the Fav and the Follow~ :DD