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At The Beach Side-By-Side by SonicHomeboy

At The Beach Side-By-Side


Text taken from FA:

Summer is far from over. =P So I decided to sneak this in before the fall semester gets seriously into gear for me.

We have Eddie the Wolf and Lucy Martinez enjoying each others' company at the beach. :) Of course they're sporting off their choice of beach attire, but they don't mind that at all. What's important is that they're together. :D

I used a reference this time around for the pose. It actually helped to get a grasp of the anatomy and proportions of both the male and female forms. I have to say I was very pleased with how well the drawing turned out. :)

When I went to color it in Photoshop, I thought having a stock photo for a background this time around. I would like to have created the background, but I would have been pressed for time. Plus, it gave me a good opportunity to give stock photos a go. :)

Stock photo: Link

Anyway, I'm rather happy with how it turned out overall. :) If I had to go back and change it, I would like to have given Lucy better shading along with figuring out how to get a better shadow outline on the sand. I'm sure there is a way for the latter. Other than that, it gets a thumbs up in my book!

This piece is also a commemoration for my reaching 30,000 pageviews. It's much like what I did for my 20,000 pageviews. Finally, there is a short story in the works that goes with it. So be on the lookout for it! :D

Thanks for viewing!

Art and Characters (c) - sonichomeboy

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Visual / Digital