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Gon’ E-Choo! Strip 96 ( by Gonechoo

Gon’ E-Choo! Strip 96 (


April POOLS Day

(Or so it was when I posted this to my main site.)

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Visual / Traditional


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    That's probably the sweetest thing the gator ever said. :D And maybe the closest he'll ever get to admit that he sees the otter as a friend.

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    Maybe I've just been in the fandom for a while, but it's alarming seeing these two without clothing. e.e

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      I tend to use Walt Kelly's Pogo as a litmus for a lot of the comic. Albert fairly regularly gave Pogo baths and the characters were often in the same space clothingless together. Considering it's a 50's era newspaper comic, I don't think we should be fine.

      Also, other residents of the swamp often got accidentally eaten by Albert, so what's new and shocking for some people is actually old and traditional. :D

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        Maybe we're in a panicy, oversensitive state about other people's imagined feelings on things anymore - it's a strange time. But they're cartoon animals, and I've pretty much said they're going to stay G-rated in the syndicated run.

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          Please don't misunderstand; I'm not secretly hoping you'll pull out "E-Choo! After Dark" or anything. I'm just making an observation. It's kinda like having a character who is ALWAYS naked and then having them go to the beach, wearing a two piece swimsuit. It's...shocking, for whatever reason.

          And then of course, you have the whole "predator/prey" dynamic. (in the context of relationships) The longest-running webcomic Kevin and Kel already took that concept and ran with it in multiple directions.

          Then again, I grew up in the 90s without many friends, so I never experienced being bare in front of others with comfort.

          I'm not sure. I'm overanalysing. Time for sleep, haha.

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            No problem! It's simply a topic that's been on my mind lately is all. I find the cartoon dynamic very interesting lamp-shading social norms, especially with funny animals. It's what it really does best. Anyway, sleep well. :)

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              Reminded myself of Otto from Beetle Bailey all of a sudden. He went from being a normal regular dog to one that wore a military outfit and walked bipedal all the time, even wearing boxers to bed, yet there was one or two instances where we see him in situations like this!

              Sometimes it's best not to lose sleep overthinking these matters!

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          Certainly for the best. I have no props with this either (having grown up reading stuff like that a lot).