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Watching for Passerbies ~by Draygone by dray-and-erika

Watching for Passerbies ~by Draygone


(RL Draygone)
Finally, we get into my good art. In fact, this is a picture I'm still proud of today.

As I've said before, this was my original fursona, Draygone the dragon. Nowadays I spend my time as a raccoon-dragon twin, so for all intents and purposes, this is now Dray and Erika's father, though still named Draygone (Erika's brother would be Draygone, Jr.). In fact, canonically, Li'l Dray would say that he drew this.

Draygone, Sr. was once just a regular dragon, with an unusual curiosity about humans. In fact he learned a magic spell that would turn him into an anthro dragon, so that he might be able to be around them more. As the title of this picture says, he's pictured here watching for travelers. Furs aren't very common around where he lives, so the likelihood of spotting a human to spy on are pretty good.

There's a lot more backstory behind him, but we'll save that for when he's given a proper ref sheet. That is, if either me or Erika ever get around to it.

As for this picture, my gosh, this took a lot of work! In fact, I probably put more effort into this picture than any other. Was it worth it? ......Kind of. I mean it turned out really nice, with all the detail in the foreground, and the background having less focus. I intentionally wanted Draygone's backside showing, as I wanted an idea of how his wings actually attatched to his back. I was still learning how dragon wings actually worked, but for what it's worth, Draygone looks pretty decent. Aside from his wings, a couple other minor changes would be for his mane to not look so slick, and also his tail would probably be a bit thicker.

Speaking of his tail, another reason I wanted his backside showing was because I wanted to show his tail actually coming through his pants. You don't see how tails fit through pants much. Incidentally, I'm pretty sure these pants were stolen. He needed a rope to be able to hold it on him.

Overall, this picture took a whopping 13 hours to make. Probably not as long as some of the OMGAWESOME artists on this site spend on their work, but that's a long time for me. Again, was it worth it? Well, it's definitely my favorite picture that I've ever drawn. But at the same time, I found myself really disappointed at the lack of attention it brought me when I uploaded it to my old accounts. Not that that matters, now. I still have some old art to upload, but other than that, I don't draw, anymore.

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Visual / Traditional