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It's Slacker Backer Time! by avianinvasion

It's Slacker Backer Time!


So if you hadn’t noticed, we made it to about 300% of our initial goal on Kickstarter! But now what? Well, until we get all the goodies assembled we can still take backers who may have missed the month-long campaign. The Kickstartering (that’s a word, dammit) may be over, but thanks to the miracle of the internet, Paypal, and Amazon Payments, you can still get your hands on exclusive pre-order goodies like:

  • The PDF and hardcover Art Book (you like the image of the ship I’ve got here? You could own that.)

  • Limited edition T-Shirts with your name on them

  • Autographed CD’s

  • Autographed vinyl LP’s

  • J.J. Abrams: The Home Game

  • And more!

Pre-Order The Album Here ☞

Are we shooting for any more of the original Kickstarter goals like animated videos? No. At this point we just want to make an awesome record. But one of the goals I really didn’t include in the Kickstarter campaign was a Double LP release. You see, the entire adventure plus music is about 70-75 minutes, but a single vinyl LP is only 22 minutes per side.

If we can raise enough extra funds from pre-orders, we won’t have to cut out nearly half of the album from the vinyl release. How cool is that? It may seem odd that you’re mostly supporting the necessity of getting up from the couch to flip a record over three times, but it’ll be soooooo worth it, I assure you.

Help us make it to DOUBLE VINYL at

Submission Information

Visual / Design / Interface