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DOGEcrash - Alpha Gameplay Footage 2 by SF

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DOGEcrash - Alpha Gameplay Footage 2


Gameplay video from the latest build! Lots of graphical and mechanical improvements from last time.

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  • Link

    This is awesome! I love the movement method of this. Plus the colors! Goodness. ;O;! Keep up the awesome work.

    • Link

      Ah thank you so much! There's going to be a playable demo imminently and I'll be sure to link that here once it's live.

      • Link

        Super glad to hear! I'll totally keep an eye out for it then. <3

  • Link

    oooooooooo any plans for a Linux build?

    • Link

      Yes actually! UE4 supports it natively and I'm not using any DX11-only features.

  • Link

    i'm very impressed by this. i enjoy that advertisements are active impediments and that you have to collect (dogecoins i'm presuming) from what turn into drones.

    even if this was all the game was i would very much enjoy just moving around the environment.

    gosh this is just beautiful work

    • Link

      That's really encouraging to hear, thank you!

      The doge face projected by the advertising drones is a placeholder for the moment (I assume that nobody needs to advertise the concept of the world's ubiquitous currency). Ultimately they're going to display demotivational advertisements telling you to consume more and such.

      This is pretty much the whole game, aside from the intro/outro and the fact the levels are procedurally generated and different every playthrough. It's just a learning project to teach myself Unreal Engine and it's already way beyond its original scope. Down the road though I plan to patch it with additional game modes and level archetypes now and then, if people like it!

      • Link

        actually i have considered such advertisements would be relatively appropriate if the sort of overarching political structure is mostly corporate. it wouldn't be so much the money than the 'brand' itself, and there being a sort of power to this sort of visual repetition -- especially if there is some sort of memetic/electronic effect associated.

        oh jeez though, procedural generation for this would guarantee this being played very extensively.

        you have a really really really effective thing here, and so many possibilities with game modes and such omg

        i don't think you'd need any help but if you plan on having some kind of open contribution consideration thing i would throw some things your way; i just find this really inspiring

        (sorry for wordiness rofl)

        • Link

          Don't be sorry at all! I struggle with massive amounts of imposter syndrome basically every day so comments really help reground me.

          Good point about the memetic branding, not to mention it legitimizes the use of an annoying meme by conflating the terms, hah. Maybe I'll leave the coin as one of the randomly selectable spotlight textures.

          And it's funny you mention open contribution because I do intend to provide the entire game's source and assets for people to modify and learn from! Even the Logic X files for the music.

          I'm not sure if I want the responsibility of managing an officially open contribution project without pay while I'm also moving onto my next game and first commercial release, but if people made really significant feature additions that I thought were valuable then I'd be more than happy to fold them back in with due credit given. In fact once it's done I'm going to ask Epic if they'd like to distribute it as an example project on the Unreal Engine Marketplace.

          • Link

            oh, i share this plight (although perhaps a lesser extent), so i understand. if there are other things that do what you're doing here, i haven't seen them or they haven't been done well enough for me to notice/remember.

            it really is excellent that you're doing this. you get mad props both for concept and for thoughtfulness with distribution.

            i'll be following this and plan on spreading this around to some indie friends who might be interested in adding to this when you have a finished sort of version you're satisfied with

            super super good luck to you with this