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Take It Easy! by RubberSkunkAlso

Take It Easy!


For those of you who like being trapped in costumes. Happy Easter again!

Blame rusheloc rusheloc

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Visual / Digital


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    I accept full responsibility.

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      You deserve everything that happens to you.

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    i thought it was just a nice rabbit gettin down with a groovy dance until i read the description

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    Having every panicked moment struggling with the now gone suit enclosure punctuated by soothing southern tones coming from your mouth. A voice filled with confusion but now these words melt like chocolate on your tongue.
    The mascot of a bygone campaign is all you are seen as within the confines of the suit. Curved and demure in body. Half-lidded calm eyes and knowing smile on the head, selling your new self to anyone that sees you.
    Struggles may stop after a while, and the wafting chocolate samples make one long to take a creamy Cadbury chocolate break. Lounging in the decadent relaxed pose those who will know you will love.

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      WHOA I'M SO SORRY I NEVER RESPONDED TO THIS. Your comments always brighten my day man, thanks so much for your erotic lyrical mastery.

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    Oh this is precious.

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    She is my milk chocolate goddess.

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      Great, now I have to make chocolate milk in the middle of the night.

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    I always thought it would be funny to have a group of cholos slice open a suited character, only to reveal that it was completely full of coke.

    It probably wouldn't resonate well with people outside of the american southwest.