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Commission Info 2014 by Dark Violet (critique requested)

Commission Info 2014 (critique requested)

Dark Violet

Examples seen here:

Sketch -
Flat Colour -
Full Colour (SFW) -
Full Colour (NSFW) -

So for one month at least I am going to be opening for commissions! Before you post what you want and start throwing money at me, please read below!

What will I get?

When you commission me, you'll receive the following:

  • The picture you commissioned in the original resolution (Typically around 3000x2000 or something around that kind of size)
  • A scaled-down version for FA and other places.
  • A Thumbnail for the image
  • An optional SFW edit of the picture (Where applicable!)
  • The sketch for the picture, if you commissioned a flat or full colour image.
  • A wallpaper version of the picture in your chosen resolution (if possible)
  • Periodic updates, at the rough stage, the sketch stage and just before I finish. This can be done via notes or email - or, if you want to just give me free reign, I can do that too!

So there's plenty of stuff there that you can get in addition to the main picture!

These prices are all for full bodies! What if I want a partial, or a headshot?

While I haven't put prices for these, I of course won't be charging the same for a smaller picture than I do for a full body piece. These pictures will be charged at a lower price, one agreed on by both parties.

What if I bought a sketch, and want to get a flat colour of it?

No problem! You'll only be charged the extra amount. No bother!

How do you accept payment?

I usually accept payment via Paypal - but I might be open for other methods. Information will be given when you commission!

When will I pay you?

Usually I do a half at the beginning, half when I finish plan, but you can pay all at the beginning if you really have that confidence in my ability o.o

What if I want a refund?

This will be decided on a case-by case basis, depending on how much I've done on your picture, the reason for the refund - but know that if it's because you aren't happy, just let me know, and I'll try and fix the picture as best I can!

Okay, I want to commission you now! What slots do you have open?

To keep everything in one place, you can see my current open slots over on Furaffinity:

That's about as much as I can think of for now. Please send the information via NOTES.

Remember, good communication is key! The more you talk to me, the better I can match the picture to what you want!

That's about it for now. Please post any questions in the comments, or by notes if you feel privacy is necessary!

Submission Information

Visual / Other