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Poppy the Pink! by karinca

Poppy the Pink!


My Avian from Starbound

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Visual / Digital


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    Oh course, I have to fav this because of Starbound.
    Really impatient for the next patch and the final character wipe so I can actually "build up" a character for good :)

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      I know, right?? I've been holding off since around Christmas because what would keep happening is I amass a collection of treasure from across the sectors, just tons of worlds... and then lose it all. So I've been waiting.. and waiting... I wanna keep my loot! Especially the Avian related stuff, and the instruments. You ever tried playing the instruments with a buddy? It syncs up! It's very awesome.

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        Never with a buddy sadly! D:

        Also, kind of needless to sa but this is an awesome picture since I realized I hadn't said that already ^^;

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          Thank you! I kinda hope to maybe find a group to play with eventually. I've got one or two buddies who I can play with, but I want a decent sized group someday just for the purpose of everyone playing a different instrument. Not only do the instruments sync up, but depending on the type of instrument they will play individual parts of the composition and harmonize, not just every one playing the exact same notes all at once. It's pretty wonderful!