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From The Wilderness - Jee Veerey (Brave One) by Bartan

From The Wilderness - Jee Veerey (Brave One)


Phew. Prepare yourself, this... This is going to be heavy.

From The Wilderness is basically Red Hypergiant Act 3. My "quirk" when it comes to titles and subtitles is that A: it's based off of a song title, one that either symbolizes the story through Tone or Lyrics. And B: they cannot both be from the same band. So for example, "Smooth Criminal - Beat It" won't work in my books because they are both from Michael Jackson.

But From The Wilderness (performed by Architects, the same who did Red Hypergiant) is such an important staple to this piece that I needed to call it such. You'll... You'll see, but you will be lost if you haven't read the previous two acts. Though there is nudity in this series, it is a non-sexual one. And it's one made to make you think.

There's not really much else for me to say here, so I'm just going to leave you to it. This was nearly 8 months in planning or making, doing a little bit here and there, and focusing a large portion of February onto getting this complete. I worked hard on it, harder than I probably should have. Even though I know next to no one will even bother reading this, it was something I needed to do.

From The Wilderness, and Red Hypergiant © Architects. This is a band that's very harsh when it comes to vocals. I honestly recommend listening to them, but I understand that such 'Noise' is not for everyone. And while we're at it...
R.I.P. Tom Searle. You were a Lyrical Genius.

Jee Veerey (Brave One) © Bloodywood
-If you seriously have not heard this song yet, you need to do your life a favor and do so. I'll even get you started:
You are only hurting yourself by not looking into this.

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