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What's the Deal with Your Fursuit? | Cheetah Chat #5 by acinonyxjubatusrex

What's the Deal with Your Fursuit? | Cheetah Chat #5


I'd been feeling under the weather in the last few days of May, so I kept putting off recording this episode. It finally came down to the wire, and though I ended up getting it out on time, I unfortunately came down with laryngitis immediately after filming (as in two hours later). This really sucks, especially since it could last for WEEKS and the only treatment is to rest my voice by not speaking or whispering at all. Hopefully, I get my voice back before the end of June, because I had planned a special video to come out right before Anthrocon, and I'll be super bummed if I don't get to make that!

But anyway, back on topic. At long last, I shed a bit of light on the how and why behind my very unique fursuit!
Learn more about MagpieBones's suits at

As always, let me know in the comments if you have a suggestion for a future video!

If you'd like to support my work and help me put out videos faster, please consider buying me a cup of tea on Ko-fi:
In addition to my undying gratitude, you'll get a shout-out in the next episode! There's a bunch of other goodies to be had as well, so be sure to check out that link - I'd really appreciate it!

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