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Lost a little Game by Ghostbear

Lost a little Game


Our mutal good friend :iconcarter: surprised both Kuraiko and me with a wonderful and funny picture ... and I was really completely speechless.
Thank you so very much, minikitty! I really love the picture and that you took the idea and the little teasing.
And Gem really made it into such a cool picture.
Thaaaaaankies! hugs

As for the picture description, I'm using carter's version with his permission:

"Well, small carter just had one job tonight - taking care of those two boys as their "babysitter" (Oh, they really do not like that word - they made him remember THAT).
While carter is tiny he is an adult and Ghosty and Kuraiko were told to be listening to him.
The evening went on and as all three have played a few games on the old SNES together they suddenly started with "the next loser will be punished". Carter thought something like "well, I've played all those games for years now, I know them well". What he did not expect was that those to boys had their own ideas of fair play and pretty much not only made it less easy for him as he had to use a controller without any usable hands/thumbs, but they also secretly unplugged the controller mid game.

It ended up as everyone can see. The thai cat obviously had to lose and Kuraiko thought that the best punishment would be showing that he is also just a kid - and as the young boy has a lot of baby doll sized diapers for his collection he thought "They would be the perfect size for him" and started forcing it on him.
His bigger brother Ghosty just sad there, grinned and almost laughed, while carter had no chance to fight back in any way. Yep, he pretty much lost it and was now forced to be diapered as well...

This picture has been done by the awesome babystar
Characters in the pictures are ghostbear ghostbear, carter and kuraiko and used with their permission.

This is a little gift for my two friends who couldn't stop tease me with this kind of idea. "

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