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Tiger (2014) by jiasaykea

Tiger (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Tiger (Stealth, Sensuality)
Tiger sneaks as it walks in the wild. Tiger is the largest of the cat species, easily recognizable by its orange or white coat and black stripes. These stripes serve as camouflage for the tiger, helping it blend into the trees around it. Though tigers are generally solitary, especially in terms of hunting they will show limited social behaviour. Once widely distributed, tigers now live primarily in the boreal forests of Siberia and the tropical swamps of India and southeast Asia. Tigers are apex predators eating primarily deer, pigs, and other large mammals. They are generally nocturnal hunters. Silently stalking their prey tigers will sneak up on their quarry and then ambush it. It was likely this behaviour that linked tiger to stealth. Tigers can mate year round, though most commonly between November and April, the mating process happens frequently and is accompanied by loud mating calls. This may have given rise to tiger being linked to sensuality. It is the female tigress who will raise the cubs, caring for them for around 2 years. Unlike other cats tigers love to swim and will bathe frequently.

Tigers feature predominantly in Chinese myth. As one of the 12 Chinese zodiacs, tigers are thought of as the earthly companion to the more ethereal Chinese dragon. Often in eastern mythology the weretiger replaces the werewolf in shape-shifting folklore. In Hindu belief the tiger is the sacred vehicle of Durga, the warrior goddess. This goddess is also sometimes called Kali, a goddess of creation and destruction. Tigers were, and still occasionally are, hunted for their beautiful pelts. In Roman times tigers were kept in captivity, made to fight other animals as well as gladiator combatants. In Greek myth the tiger became linked to Dionysus, the god of wine and wild behaviour. There are even depictions of the god riding a tiger. The white tiger is especially seen as relating to the moon. The white is the full moon and the black stripes represent the new moon.

When tiger sneaks into a reading it may be time to examine your sensuality. It it time to stealthily move towards what I want, or ambush it? How can I move through life in a way that is silent, but effective? What is the state of my sensual well-being? Tiger is related to the elements of wood, earth, and even water. A study of the moon card may also prove helpful.

Astrology- (Chinese 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034, 2046 or Feb 4- Mar 5) This Chinese sign has great courage and ferocity. Tiger people have a fearlessness that make them dynamic personalities. This wood sign is confident and are good leaders. Tigers should be cautious of being too moody, rash, and rebellious. Hard working Tiger is ambitious and has the conviction to follow through. Those born under this sign are tolerant and convey a sense of nobility, making them quite loveable.

Stars and Constellations
Passion, Share your Stripes, Fierce, Blend into Backgrounds, Nobility

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