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Oneiromon Explorers of the Past cover by TeamCapumon (critique requested)

Oneiromon Explorers of the Past cover (critique requested)


Cover for my original hybrid-style fantasy novel, Oneiromon! You can read it on deviantart via this link:

Feel free to favorite this deviation without reading the below ramble~!

Oneiromon revolves around three humans - Mich, Sarah, and Devin - as they are transported to a strange world filled with strange creatures and must find their way back home. They make some friends and some enemies (mostly enemies) along the way. They also discover that they have a mysterious power that hints to a destiny greater than they could imagine. Will they ever make their way home, or will they be forced to settle in this strange land? Surely being stuck there forever wouldn't be so bad, right...?

Or if you'd like the more accurate summary of the story: Some nerds are stuck in a story written by a bad author who can't stop themselves from torturing their characters. Because that's basically what it is.

Okay but my own insecurities aside, I'm actually proud of the story I have in mind and it'd mean the world to me if you checked it out! If it's not your cup of tea I totally understand, but I will say that the story gets a lot better as it goes on~ (I surprised myself with the ending of the first arc LOL I can't wait to start working on more of the story~)

This story's been rummaging around in my head for three years. It's been approximately two and a half years since the first animated (if you can call that choppy garbage animating) version of this was posted on my Scratch account (don't go looking for it, the old version sucks). The story's gone through a lot of changes, as have I - I'm definitely not the same person I was back in 2014! A lot of me has changed and the story's matured to go along with that. Believe me when I say I've worked hard on this story, and I have a major attachment towards it considering it's stuck with me all these years! Fuzzdramon, the design part of the character Mich, is one of the best designs I've ever created - at least, in my opinion. He's like a pseudo-mascot for me. Meanwhile, his actual character has improved so much, it's incredible. Mich has shot up from being a boring protagonist that I didn't particularly like to one of my favorite characters to write. It's amazing what a few more years of wisdom can do for character creation, but I digress.

I have tons of notes on the worldbuilding of this story as well - mostly because I'd love to make a proper franchise out of this some day. I want to become a staff (television script) writer, or even better a showrunner for an animated kid's show, so wouldn't it be awesome if Oneiromon someday became a cartoon on CN, Nickelodeon, or Disney? Of course EOTP is too intense and has some content in it that by no means would be suitable for a child-oriented audience (nothing dirty, just ideologically sensitive material and highly intense scenes) but still... Ah, but this all's just a distant fantasy <D

I'm rambling here but yeah, I'm just really passionate about my stories haha - Oneiromon in particular since I've really worked hard to gather all my ideas for it. I hope you'll end up enjoying it at least half as much as I do!

Oneiromon is C me

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Visual / Digital