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Couch Crusher by RaddaRaem

Couch Crusher


Art by the incredible MuttNinja! (

"Hwuff!" Silvia sighed as she flopped back onto the couch. The springs nestled inside the green clothed piece of furniture let out a shrieking creak when their many coils collapsed together in an instant. A brief pause followed. The Dragon-Type arched her brows and allowed a subtle smile to crease her plump lips while she shifted her ample butt cheeks upon the cushions. They jiggled back and forth between what little free space remained between the couch's rounded arms.

A snap, followed by a thunderous tunk, sounded out when the wooden frame gave way and the couch collapsed. The pronounced rips and tears, not only in the now pancaked piece of furniture but in Silvia's splitting sleeves and shorts, were all but drowned out by the house rattling impact of the Salamence's apocalyptic ass upon the carpeted floor.

"What did you break this time?" Sheldon called out in a subdued groan while the lights briefly flickered. He loudly mouthed out a profane prayer in thanks when the AC, abruptly muting itself, rattled back to life with a steady drone.

Silvia heaved out a happy huff, her engorged neck deflating and brushing against her bountiful breasts that strained at her form fitting pink shirt that left nothing to the imagination. "Where's the fun in out and out telling you? At least guess! she teased. Legs kicked out Silvia allowed her swollen scaly gut to press apart her bloated limbs. Clawed toes wiggling delightedly in the chilled air, she shuddered in delight as a rush of artificial frost settled upon her sizeable form and sent a chill her cold-blooded veins.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Poor poor couch, it had so much potential. Silvia you monster x3

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      Alas, her big big butt was simply too much to contain!