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Kibare v2 by Dr. Virus

Kibare v2

Dr. Virus

The character I based my troll-druid on. "Updated" doesn't really cover Kib, I basically redesigned him from the ground up.

Kibare, the Water of Life, is the warden of all things living and dead. His elemental form is a stream of ever-moving water, many small eyes swirling about in the flow. (I forgot to draw those eyes, oops) Two rings of mercury loosely contain him about the middle. Among mortals he is known as "The Serpent with a Thousand Heads and Tails," the many rivers of the world said to be his body from which all life emerged.

In a human form, Kibare is of a thin but average build, skin a dark tan, with a great mess of seagreen hair mostly tangled into dreadlocks, with frizzy bangs and a single shock of smooth, straight hair tailed up in the back. A short beard clings to his chin, and his eyes bear a friendly gaze, though a hint of sadness dances within their rich green depths. He is dressed in plain, earthy clothes decorated with simple swirling patterns.

Kibare is a very approachable god, standing in opposition to his dour elder brother. His face always has a kind smile drawn across it, and his voice is smooth as honey and soft as a gentle whisper. He will happily help those that find him, though he is good to hide himself deep in the wilderness, far from the mortals he joyously created--and sorrowfully must watch die.

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    These are really rad

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      they are of my oft-neglected children that get completely overshadowed by other more-fun-to-RP characters

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        I KNOW THAT FEEL (my poor goblins)

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    awww, he is so adorable CX