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Vulcan Automata - A fresh hire by Adalore

Vulcan Automata - A fresh hire


Started as a new style test for my VA series, and ended as this.

I have started doing a very new render style that works very well with the robot characters and rendering them very cleanly.
I look forward to working on the rest of the Vulcan Automata stuff in this style.

Hans was released from the conversion table that then swiftly retreated into the walls of the room. Hans was just hours ago a flesh and bone pine marten but after this ordeal, and the contract he signed, that has turned him into a generic template reminiscent of a weasel. He felt the orientation officer release the motor control on him, but he stood there just examining his hand. There wasn't the panic that he was expecting for being turned from flesh to synthetic composite but in place of that expected panic he had only fascination over his familiar but alien form.

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Visual / Digital


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    He seems impressed by his changes.

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    Yaay more of these! :D

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    Where do I file an application for employment at this company?

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      In setting it could be anywhere from walking up to their front door or an online application.(depending on the current tech level of the world.)

      Out of setting it would be paying attention to my commission announcements or asking to create your own thing in setting which I am up for.(probably need to release the setting manual first.)

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        Please write that manual, this is a setting I can get behind.

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    So what /does/ Vulca Automota do exactly? I've seen a few of these pics but still don't know how the company operates or why it does this stuff (and if the info exists somewhere, please forgive my ignorance and point me to it :D )

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      They are a interplanetary mega-corporation that mostly go around to setup space faring economies that they have a huge share in as it develops. They tend to do the very long game as far as profit expectations go. And because it is extremely hard to bring enough staff with them they hire most of their staff from the population for the new economy.

      One of the things I need to do is actually clean up and release are these explanations so I can just link it.

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        So the company's approach is basically "let's make money... in SPACE! With robots... in SPACE!" :P

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          Mostly. Out of the SPACE megacorps they are probably the least shitty to work for but that doesn't stop them from hiring someone in a low tech setting and effective confining them to work because there is no way to recharge off facility.

          So they are jerks but the least jerks but still jerks.

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    How do they transform the employees into robots? And are they employees for life or a set time period?

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      It is a weird combo.

      The being turned cybernetic is "Life long" thing. But there are closer to organic bodies that are purchasable, but the really expensive ones that can sustain themselves off food and are all intents and purposes an organic body costs an arm and a leg.

      As far as employement goes, they only care for the original conversion, or "Hiring costs" to be paid off. The bodies they make employees are typically on the cheap side when compared to the other ones, but the expensive part is cyberizing the brain. Once that is paid off you can leave or whatever, but if the tech level of the planet cannot recharge or maintain your body you'll have problems.

      So for any low tech planet that isn't "SPACE AGE" sillyness, any employee either has to wait for everything to get on level so they can recharge outside of the job or get an insanely expensive body to leave which is a pretty large cost barrier.

      (I have put a lot of thought into this.)

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        Can the employee purchase upgrades or replacement body parts of needed/desired?

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          As they remain employees their will get replacements and upgrades as their specialization requires without having that effect the employee's own account. They can get a remote body to control if they still want to be social without being in a body designed clearly for work.(costs against their account though.)

          I suppose they could get upgrades as desired but that would be on their account and possibly veto'd if it gets in the way of them doing their work.

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            This has been incredibly insightful. I really love your world.

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      Oh and on transformation, note-

      1. They put an external neck mold that includes the collar gem. Using that as an anchor point they use nanomachines to subsume the brain and spine.
        The two boxes on the image where the neck would be there to control the nano machines and power them.

      2. And then the rest of the input points pours raw materials for the nanomachines to react and subsume the rest of the body (with probably far more gross waste.) into a very cheap generic template until they get specialized.

      Ruffellen on FA is posting a story that directly will have this scene pretty much in it.

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        Subsume, that means melt down?

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          Include or absorb (something) in something else.

          I checked the meaning before I used it here through google with "Define Subsume".