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Fool's Week: Doom Town (aka Sodom and Gomorrah) Part 1 of 2 by tapewolf

Fool's Week: Doom Town (aka Sodom and Gomorrah) Part 1 of 2


This is an April Fool piece that Merlin did for her comic, using a script I contributed, and a mix of characters from both of our comics. Part 2 in particular features Daxxon and Jeremiah as the Angels of Lord Phoenix, Daryil as the god of Debauchery and Sheila and Panda as his disciples.

I have made a few spelling corrections and cleanups from the original version.

Part 2 is here:

It was done as a parody of the Jack Chick comic about Sodom and Gomorrah, but it largely ignores his version and referring directly to the King James Bible. As with all Merlin's Trick Tracts, it has been transplanted into her world (see ), where the Elemental Gods had a spat with their fellow God, Jake, latterly known as the Lord of Lies.

There are a handful of territories such as Gardenia and Marlowe where Tricksters are legal, and I thought this would make an interesting analogy to Sodom and Gomorrah. It practically wrote itself after that, especially once I'd confirmed my suspicious that Phoenix and Jake had indeed been lovers at one point.

Fun Facts:
*It wasn't until after Merlin had published the strip (forgetting to transition from day to night) that I realised it would actually take Abraham about 6 days and nights to talk Phoenix down to 11 people. The 'several days later' caption was added as a result.
*Lot's eagerness to prostitute his daughters (and later shag them) always struck me as morally questionable, but is right there in the Bible.
*Jonathan King recorded a novelty record in 1978 under the pseudonym "Father Abraphart and the Smurps"
*Yes, the nuclear device is from Stargate.
*In the Bible, Lot's wife supposedly turned into a pillar of salt on seeing the LORD destroy the city. It has been argued that this may be a garbled account of the effect seen in Hiroshima where people caught in the blast were vaporised but left their shadows etched into the walls. If we assume that Sodom and Gomorrah dimly recalls a real event, and we also assume more conventional explanations than God or a long-lost nuclear civilisation, it may be an account of a meteor strike on the city, which would release similar energies.

Deleted scenes:
*In the original script, Phoenix disappears after talking to Abraham, with the words "And people wonder why I hate dealing with mortals..."
*Phoenix' Angels originally took Lot to the border in a more rushed manner, dragging them along. At the border was a sign saying "Welcome to (some place) - Warning: Tricksters will be hanged or beheaded" (referencing back to one of the earlier panels)
*There was also a panel near the end where Lot talks about banging his daughters now his wife is gone. I can't say I blame Merlin for removing that one, on the other hand, it is in the Bible.

See also 'Advanced Gardens and Snails' which we did a few years ago as another Trick Tract:

For a good introduction to Merlin's world and the perils of worshipping Jake, see:
...or 'Free Turn':

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    I take the "pillar of salt" thing to be a symbol for regret. That is, Lot's wife turns back (showing that she cannot let go of the city she lived in), and thereafter spent the rest of her life bitter and resentful... "salty", in the recent meaning of the word.

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      Possible, though it feels a bit of a cop-out explanation somehow...

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        Heh, I think that interpreting things symbolically is the only way to make sense of Genesis. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of mean-spirited, spiteful stories.

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    You've heard of salvation by grace and salvation by works... now get ready for salvation by induction!