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Femborg by Zigg-Zapp



In the year 1998 the Earth was thrown into chaos, War broke out between the New U.S.S.R and the free peace loving people of the United American Provences...
Citys where atomised in seconds, billions dead, the earth scorched, governments fell and soon violence and anarchy ruled the streets...
But now in the year 2007 one warrior is going to bring peace to the world, one bullet at a time!

One Cyborg with the power of an army, the intellect of a mastermind and the heart of a hero, soul of Mars, body of Venus...
One Femboi... and their terrifying battle cry...
"Heeeeyyy Huuunies! <3"
Will fight for truth, justice, liberty...
And Love...

This Summer, Ziggy Anvil is: FEMBORG!!

Rated R

In Cinemas June 17th 1984...

Heya Hunnies!

How y'all doin'?

Like, I am SSssssssoooo totally rad right now it should be illegal!

Like dude! Lock me up and throw a-way the key! Hehe!!

So you may be thinking "Ziggy Hun' habe you done something with your hair?" And like Noooooooooo! I have not but thanks for saying I got nice hair!
And no, I'm not wearing new lip stick, my lips -as you so totally know- are always this pouty! And no... I did not skip milk day ( again And like dude, eyes up here! Te-he-he-he!!

Nah dude, last night I was bumming around the water front, doing some late night property scouting -I've got a club to open and like, dude, I gotta know where the best foot fall is!- and I find this note in a phone booth. Now never I do not call them as usually it leads to weird kinky sex times... okay some times... alright! I call the all the time!...

Dude! Don't look at me like that! Do you know how hard it is to get 'attention' when you are a Bi' Femboi? NOT ALOT!! Or at least I don't... SIGH... Anyway, anyway!

I find this card and it says that a scientist is looking for a volunteer for some experiments, now, usually dude, that is like code for 'I am looking to role-play as a mad scientist and I want someone to play the test subject', at least, in my experience that is the case, not always but most of the time!

So I take the card, call the number, arrange the meeting for the following morning, get some... 'gear' together for the roleplay and make my way there. Only it turns out that this is one of those times where its legit and like, the dude I called WAS a scientist and they were looking for volunteers for their experiment! Boy was my face red!

Still, work is work and what's the worst that can happen when you get some weird scientist doing tests on you?

So the place he is at is like this old worn down warehouse, I don't think its really his... And given the tail he was spinning me I... erm... I think the dude was like... fired from his last job as a scientist, he mentioned something about unethical experiments... I dunno I wasn't listening I was too busy listing to the theme song to 'Jem and the Holograms' echoing in my head! Dude I love that show! Someone should make a movie about whilst it is still fresh and new and not like leave it thirty years and do it, I dunno live action or something! I MEAN DUDE! COULD YOU IMAGE THAT?! Ha!

Anyway, he's yammering on, I'm nodding intently not listening to a word and then he rolls out this gas tank and I was like "Ooooh! So this is a kink thing! Oh well! Body inflation it is!!" I lay down on his dentist chair looking thing, he places the attached mask to my face, and I am there expecting to start bloating up REAL big... but no... I just get all sleepy and... well I fall a sleep...

I dunno how long I was out for...

Then I... 'Woke up'...

There was like this computer screen thing just THERE is in my eyes, I could'nt move my body at all, couldn't open my eyes, just a load of random words and numbers rattling off in front of me, then a caption saying "SYSTEM LOADED" pops up and then... then I suddenly felt... well... awake again... I could move!

I raise out of the chair and run my hand through my hair... only... my hand it was.... it was.... cold... I opened my eyes and saw... I saw... I-I had a metal arm!!

I looked in the reflection of a near by bone saw and I saw my... my eye it was... gone!!

This dude he... he... turned me into a machine... a... a... cyborg! Or more accurately... a Femborg...

Now I responded to this in the mature, grown up way that one would expect of a mature grown up adult... I FREAKED OUT!!

My body... my poor poor body had been... BUTCHERED by this... this... WACKO!!

I was kicking over tables, punching doors, I HAD to find this guy! I HAD TO!!

Soon I find him behind like, ten inches of reinforced glass, and I started punching at it, slamming my fist against it, slowly I started to crack and break. I was mad with rage... HOW COULD HE?! I'm not machine! I'M A GOAT BOI!! Then he produces the remote out of his back pocket and nonchalantly presses a button, then I stopped, I just stopped, I couldn't move! Then he comes in and starts talking to me, trying to reassure me of what happened to me, saying he made me to do good, that he's enhanced me, made me better, or as best he could with out dated tech'.


So not only am I now I tin man but I am an obsolete one too!!

Eventually he reactivated me once I calmed down... he gave me a floppy disk with my technical spec's on said I had to load it into the slot in my arm, just under the VHS slot... VHS, Floppy disk... he said this tech was out of date!! Like 30 years out of date! What? Did they have VHS and Floppy disks in the 1950s? I don't think so... so not only is he a nut, he's a liar too! AND he has no idea what date it is! My internal clock says the year is 2016! 2016?!

Is this guy nuts!? That's like thirty years away!!

What?... Why you looking at me like that?...

Anyway, he says he needs to keep an eye on me, just till I get adjusted to my new body. Says they may be bugs in my software, whatever that means...

Still it isnt so bad... I mean... I'm faster and stronger than before... I have a built in VHS player so I can keep myself entertained... OH!!

Any he augmented my brain!! Made it all smarter now!! He put some computer stuff in it and expanded my memory!!

Yeah Dawg! He's upgraded my brain with -get this- a whole 40kbs of memory!! YEAH!!

My brain is a regular super computer now!!

No more forgetting to... to... erm... that thing... that I... erm... Whatever!!

I am sure that anything else I learn from now won't be forgotten in a hurry!

Yeah!! Hehe... Ya know... the whole being part machine thing isn't sooo bad... my body is esentially the same... just more metal in it... and more tattoos for some reason...



The 30th Anniversary Blu-Ray Re-release:

This one was a lot of fun to do, got the idea from playing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon again. GOD I LOVE THAT GAME!!

I love the kind of movies it takes inspiration from, that 80's Canon Movies, cheap straight to VHS era movie; Delta Force, Blood Sport, Maniac Cop (which isn't Canon but SHHHH!). And the music is just plain god like! AND DAT GAMEPLAY!! Flows smoother than a river! I know its more or less the same as normal Far Cry 3 but it gives you the awesome stuff off the bat that means you can do the bad ass stuff from the get go!!

God I need to play more of that...

Anyway, hope you like it!!

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