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Art Trade- Penel0 by Little-Noko

Art Trade- Penel0


Ffffffffffffffffffff, I just love how it turned out ! penel0 asked me to do a trade with her, and I'm a volatikai lover so I couldn't help but accept. Then I find out that Poppy ( the little pup on the right ) was blind ! Which I find really interesting since Nikolaï ( the pup on the left) is mute ! I imagined how awkward it would be for them both to communicate, especially since Niko is afraid of his own species and raised by humans.

Through rp, despite of their handicape Niko and Poppy curiously get along really well. Poppy is the first pup he meet and interact with which is quite a progress since he used to panic in front of his own kind. Since a blind pup is quite harmless Niko got really curious about her and with times both formed a really strong friendship, communicating through sign language. Both find strenght through each other. While Niko is Poppy's eyes and show her what she can do despite being blind, Poppy show him that he can trust others and be more open to his kind.

I was really inspired for the landscape and I wanted to draw a late autumn scenery~ I really hope you like it, there's will be more to come soon.

Art & Nikolaï© little-noko
Poppy© penel0
Volatikai species© shorty-antics-27

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    That's a really amazing backstory...and you created a lovely woodland scene! :)

    • Link

      thank you really much !

      • Link

        You're very welcome! :)