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[SDS] travel the sky by Canis-ferox

[SDS] travel the sky


Sketch-a-Day-September Challenge 9/5/15
I've been so busy recently! I have been keeping up with my daily sketches, but most of them have been just sketches, and a lot done in class. I'll assemble a sketchdump at some point. I took out some time for some digital last week though. I've been holding back on posting this because I felt like I hadn't answered enough messages :> Working on it now though! Going to get a few answered before I get to school stuff.

So oly-rrr made mention of this: "you need to draw any character of yours who would wear sandals with socks, you really ought to. Stare" And then I had to. : D Spoon was the only one I could think of right off haha. I drew him as a plantigrade anthro for the occasion, which was an interesting exercise too. He's wearing only one sock with sandal either out of general cluelessness or some reasoning of his own~ Come to think of it, Aureus might do the same thing (in a modern setting), if he was plantigrade.

Also featuring a composite background of the milky way and my meteor from the Perseid shower! I originally intended to post it on its own (and I'll probably still do that, I was and still am ridiculously excited about this little green streak of light) I think it fits quite nicely here~ Though I didn't remove the noise from the background image at all : D So there are little red and blue artifacts. I do wish my camera handled higher ISOs better but eh it's going to be a long time before that changes.

Day 6 (last posted day):

Submission Information

Visual / Digital