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My business card by Marwan

My business card


My parents recently told me that I should create my own business card. So I did. XD I was thinking of a prettier design than this, but I don't want to waste too much of my printer's ink with flashy colors, so unless I get to print this in a print shop where ink shortage isn't an issue and I have access with a high-quality thick paper, this minimalist design with my fursona in it should be enough. Though, to be honest, I still prefer to print my business card in a print shop. =_= My fursona's fur color is quite printer-unfriendly; my printer makes his fur too dark, requiring me to adjust in PhotoShop prior to printing. x_x

"hp" stands for "handphone", our Malaysian slang for cellphones and smartphones. I covered-up my smartphone number for privacy reasons, sorry. ^_^;;

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Visual / Digital


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    You've got way to many details on that card, you'd be better off picking say 3 primary modes of contact and making the text larger and more prominent :)

    Not sure if the qualifications need to be listed, just the main areas you work in should be enough in many cases but that could be a cultural thing :)

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      Yeah, I probably crammed way too many details than I need in my card. ^_^;; Also, that inclusion of my qualifications, that's actually my parents' idea. They insisted that I should put my qualifications in my card. @_@ And yeah, that seems to be a cultural thing for our Malaysian culture, because it makes it easier for those whom I'd give my card to to see that I have the right qualifications for the job.