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Divine Galaxy Exploration +Sapphirus+ by Sapphirus

Divine Galaxy Exploration +Sapphirus+


(Important note:
Sapphirus no longer has no weakness. So call her Mary-sue etc, idc lol. Once people aren't satisfied with a weakness unless it K.O's a Deity character, you tend to say "screw it" and give up trying to please idiots. Besides, I dont want her to die anyway, and also, she's what I would dream to be since I love colors, gems, elements, dragons, the thought of Levitation etc. I stop RPing with her 6 years ago, and when I did, had fun times. So no she's my alter ego, fuck weaknesses. But she hates and likes the same things I would. Tada!)

This is also the first time I drew Sapphirus exploring her territories in her non true form.

My beloved and only persona, persona that's the Goddess of Dragons and Elements. This is actually her natural habitat, also, she's in her humanoid (Kemonomimi to be exact). She's non furry being like a human with animal abilities, except she has an immortal body.
She was originally born somewhere in space, and well, her true form is basically this.

Planet protector, and repairer. A character of justice and peace. Generally Sapphirus got bored of her job and decided to explore the planets she so called looked after in her territories = the form you see in this pic. Here's a more specific pic of her:

Reason for the colors, well as I mentioned before, she's elemental of them all, so the colors represent them. The beads protect her form overusing her powers. Was born with them also embedded into her body as like the colorful ones in her wings and etc. She comes from space so I guess she's kinda an Alien? I forget that a lot.

Generally she's a Chimera Eastern Dragoness for a more specific species.