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My Valentine by Xale

My Valentine


Probably one of the cutest and most dear-to-me commissions I've ever commissioned for my mate demara for Valentines day this past year.

I wanted to get him something special since this is the year leading up to our 8th anniversary (yes, 8 years together, as of November 17th 2015) and when I found the artist silentweaverarts I couldn't tell myself no...because nothing really just made me feel as special as what the idea of giving him this was.

Here is some info from the post that SWA shared here on Weasyl at

They are a combo of machine and hand sewn using a variety of materials: Faux fur, fleece, felt, beads ect. Both plushies have magnets in the left and right paw to help them hold hands and strategically placed magnets in their bum and crotches as the commissioner wanted since they are mates. <3 They stand at around 8-10 inches tall

Currently and permanently: these plushies sit on our bed's headboard above his head so that every night as he sleeps they hopefully bring him a little bit of joy.

Craftsmanship and artistry thanks to the wonderful silentweaverarts silentweaverarts
Demara's character belongs to demara demara
Xale belongs to me, xale

I love you, dear. I'm glad you liked these, and still like them.

Please do not use my characters or any of my character arts for your roleplay or personal use.
My characters don't magically look exactly like yours.
I spent good money on all of my commissions, and you didn't go through the creative process of creating my character.

I don't get these for you to use.

Submission Information

Visual / Sewing / Knitting