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Avatar for sirscribble1


dingus / Male

sirscribble1's Shouts

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    Your art is super nice and cute, dude!
    There's something pleasing about the line width that you use and the cool chunkyness of your style..
    it honestly looks like a budding comic style!!
    Are you interseted in comics? o:

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      I have been interested in comics, the trouble is i don't have all that much free time to really try it out. It would be interesting to see what i could do with that sort of format.

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        Ah, yeah I understand..comics take on a lot of time (especially long format comics that are 500+ pages long) but you can definitely make tiny tiny comics of things you like..
        small format stories that would only need 4 panels
        sort of how spooky comics does it
        regardless I'm excited to see what future art you do!