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Saryctive's Shouts

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    Thank you very much for the Watch!^^
    licks <3<3

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    You apparently have a "friends only" setting on your messages. I tried to reply to your message and couldn't.

    I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to decline your offer for a trade. I'm only doing trades with certain artists right now.

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      us, so I felt offended
      you speak such a thing to me

      I did not do anything bad to you D: I'm always open
      for new friendships

      I'm given several watchs for so many people that I add
      why I also like to be friends with these people
      and share my work with them, and exchange idea

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      on the reply message and told me that he could not
      Journal of Naira was that he was talking about art trades in the future?
      and you even commented to me?

      or I will add you and send you message thanking that I gave you a watch
      I'll see it better

      and sorry if I was not seeing the message, I can see now
      and I'm half confused

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      and sorry for the inconvenience I caused you
      I did not do a bad D: was just a misunderstanding