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Twoodland / 29 / male / USA

Welcome to Twoodland!!!
twoodland1994’s avatar

My Second YouTube Channel!!!

Just several Days ago, before Thanskgiving, I've just creating a new account on Youtube, from Twoodland1994 to the Channel called: "Twoodland's Cycles." It's about watching this very Old Animation Cycles and Demos before they're became officals to release each Animated Short Films from Twoodland199…

twoodland1994’s avatar

The Magical Power I want...

The magical power I want is a spell that turn Animals into Anthropomorphic Kind of People, so we can have both Populations of Both Humans and Animals. Its so cool to have that in my life. Aren't you guy feel the same way as I did? Turning Animals into Anthropomorphic Kind of People? From T.L.

twoodland1994’s avatar

My Life in the World is Many, Many Fairy Tales

My favorite is Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, The Jungle Book, Narnia, and others way beyond into my mind to Imagining the world where everything is Possible, even the impossible. When I was born Autism, Which is High Level when I older, I've watch many, many Family and Children's Movie…

twoodland1994’s avatar

Classic Fairy Tales has a New Generations

My favorite is Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, The Jungle Book, Narnia, and others way beyond into my mind to Imagining the world where everything is Possible, even the impossible. When I born with Autism, I've watched Disney Movies and other animated nor live action movies, and that's h…

twoodland1994’s avatar

Childhood's Art Choices

When I was born June 14, 1994, I was born Autism. I haven't spoke til either I'm Screaming or watch TV so I can talk to it. Times past, I've been so many Craft Activities in my House my whole life, playing with my imagination and making things like Play-Doh and Other Crafts. Making Crafts is my Spe…

twoodland1994’s avatar

Talk about Grizzimals.

Hey, me again. Its been two weeks when I wrote that First Journal. So I like to give some information about "Grizzimals." Grizzimals or what I should called them as a Citizens: "Grizzimalian" or "Ursamalian," is a Creature of a Ursidae with any types of Mammals and Aves. Only Mammals can be mixed t…

twoodland1994’s avatar

Hello, Everybody!!!

Hello, Everybody!!! My Name is Tom Lorezentti, A.K.A. TJ Woodland in "Twoodland1994," and this my first FurAffinity WebPage. Years ago, you may know the series and loved'em with "Doogle and Friends," "The Adventures of Oxxie Ox," "Super Duper Diaper Extreme," and all other movies and shorts. I shou…