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Siscily / female / Texas

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siscilym’s avatar

Freelance Editor for Hire

So, I need work. Things at the publishing company are slow, or the publisher is slow, or something; I'm not sure what. In any case, I'm not getting the work I should be getting, so I have to turn to my freelancing. Between bills, a ridiculous health insurance premium, and unexpected house and car r…

siscilym’s avatar

Monster (Final Update)

We saw a specialist for Monster after the biopsy on the mass in his mouth. He has oral squamous cell carcinoma, which in simple terms is oral skin cancer. Because of the location of the tumor, in the corner of his mouth, removing it isn't an option, and radiation or chemotherapy is extremely expens…

siscilym’s avatar

Update on Monster (my cat)

We took Monster in for bloodwork and an exam to set up an appointment for the tooth removal. The bloodwork came back fine, and the exam went well, though the vet is concerned about the mass in his mouth. We are currently uncertain on the prognosis, but we're going to see a specialist ASAP to see wh…

siscilym’s avatar

Please help my kitty cat.

I hate to beg, I really do. My 11 year old cat has a disease that's causing massive damage to his mouth, and the treatment for such a thing is either steroid shots every three weeks that will eventually give him diabetes (which will make things worse and cost a whole lot more), or have all his teet…

siscilym’s avatar

Pet Saga Continues

I had to put my 16 year old Jack Russel mix to sleep today because of severe kidney failure and possible cancer. It's been almost a month to the day since I lost my cockatiel. Two weeks ago, my seven year old (youngest) cat was diagnosed with FIP, a fatal and untreatable gastrointestinal disease. T…

siscilym’s avatar

Pet Cockatiel Died, Need Work to Pay Vet Bills

First and foremost: This is not a 'begging for money' post. This is a 'begging for work to make money' post. If I'm going to get money, you're going to get something in return. My twenty-five year old cockatiel died last Thursday. I'm not going into details because it was very traumatic and I'm sti…

siscilym’s avatar

Editor for Hire

Hey folks. I've had a few things come up recently (cats to the vet, unexpected bills I shouldn't have had to pay, etc) and I'm running short on funds. Work from the publishing company is coming in too slowly. So, I'm turning back to my freelancing. If anyone needs any editing done, or knows anyone…

siscilym’s avatar

Uploading Stuff

So I'm uploading my gallery here. Forgive the flood. Nothing new yet, though there will be soon. Thinking about just putting some of my better stuff here, though that limits this gallery to about four pieces, maybe. Heh. Ah well. I'll just upload it all. Enjoy, and again, forgive my flood.