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Avatar for mutedwolf


mutedwolf / 27 / Female / My room.
mutedwolf’s avatar


mehhh ;isldkfjmmmmea;lllllllllllllkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjddddddddjdj hm. Oh. Well. Hm. I was going to actually write a semi-update typish thing about my current state of being but ehhhh I guess why not. I stopped taking my anti-depressants. Didn't tell my mom tho, and she's all concerned about me 'cause…

mutedwolf’s avatar


...m. I just feel a bit detached and unhappy. Sigh, I can hardly bring myself to finish this journal, eh.

mutedwolf’s avatar

Late introduction?

An aspiring artist, thinking I might hang out on Weasyl a bit more. I'm still quite the beginner artist, but I'm trying to get better! In order to push myself to do better, I'll try to post content regularly. So, about me? I'm a 17 year old girl who likes music, animals, video games, photography, a…