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Avatar for Kjatar


Kjatar / Genderfluid androgycat. / DC

Kjatar’s avatar


When I get a chance, I need to write a script to go through my commission backup folder and tell me what I have and haven't uploaded to each gallery. Yeesh. =P

Kjatar’s avatar

In search of an artist to commission.

Not a lot to say here, I'm slowly transferring my bits and pieces over to Weasyl. I hope to have some pictures of my early smithing work up here, too, though it's VERY basic at the moment. I'm also looking for an artist to commission one or two hopefully detailed visions of a feline lich. Anyone co…

Kjatar’s avatar

Hello, hello, hello.

Hey there, unidentified people! I'm Kjatar. Feel free to say hello, all my contact info is on the sidebar there. I'll be transitioning my gallery over the next few weeks, or at least getting parity with my FA gallery, so if you watch me over there, you won't see anything new. If not, I hope you enj…