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Avatar for Kayla-La


Kayla-La / 39 / Female / California

Commissions: Sometimes
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Closed
Kayla-La’s avatar

Friend requests!

Hey guys! I've been getting a lot of friend requests from people I don't really know and while I'm genuinely flattered, I'm afraid I'm keeping my friend list to people I know and am real friends with. I don't mean any offense and it doesn't mean I don't like you, it just means I don't really KNOW y…

Kayla-La’s avatar

Yay, all done!

I didn't want to spam Weasyl with my entire FA gallery so I just ported over some of my stuff from the past year and will be uploading from here forward. I'm looking forward to this place coming together! It's a little silly I have to add two tags just to make journal entries, though.