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Avatar for greypillow


ShawnDeer / 30 / Nonbinary

Commissions: Sometimes
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Closed
greypillow’s avatar


The hard drive on my desktop is going out! D: I desperately need to replace it, my computer is my work! I found one on newegg for ~$50, and I would greatly appreciate some help! My commissions are open, I have a ko-fi you could donate to, I have an unlimited YCH going(…

greypillow’s avatar

Support me?

Hey all! Just wanted to throw a reminder out that I have a Ko-Fi! It's purely a tip jar, and I would never ever put any of my work behind a paywall. But if you would like to support me and help me pay bills and eat food, throwing me the price of a coffee would help immensely! I appreciate every bit…

greypillow’s avatar

Ferzu Account! YAY MORE SOCIAL MEDIA!! I might do sketch giveaways on there??? idk

greypillow’s avatar

Art Giveaway!

I'm doing an art giveaway on tumblr!

greypillow’s avatar


So I'm going to do a few freebies (like, 4 or 5 of them, as many as I can get through) to do as warmups for the next few days If you would like a freebie, link a flat colour or cell shaded reference of your fursona or oc down in the comments with a pose and expression! SFW only right now, okay? the…

greypillow’s avatar

Streaming! drawing things like robots and commissions, feel free to drop by :3

greypillow’s avatar

Deviantart I redid my deviantart feel free to follow me there!

greypillow’s avatar

Deer Loaf Commissions

I'm taking 5 deer loaf customs commissions! $5 each, any fursona, OC, character, whatever. examples: Slots: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. First come first serve! my paypal is…

greypillow’s avatar


I have a Redbubble shop! Its full of stickers and posters and prints and all sorts of cool stuff! I also have a society6 with significantly less things but it exists

greypillow’s avatar

Wooo Last Day to Buy Jewelry

All the current orders for my shop have been packaged up! This is your last chance to order something from my shop before January! As a special bonus, I’ve upped the coupon code’s discount to 30% off items in my shop! After the 10th I will be closing my shop for the holidays. http://psychicstudios.…

greypillow’s avatar

Cyber Monday Coupon!

Cyber Monday Time! Use the code sw33t in my shop today and get 40% off listed items! This includes custom orders! I wouldn’t normally offer such a large discount, but I’m trying to get money to buy Christmas presents for my family AND be able to pay rent! So I’m hoping to clear out a lot of stock!…

greypillow’s avatar

Emergency Commissions

EMERGENCY COMMISSIONS! One of my rats passed away recently. And looking at my finances, I don’t have enough money to adopt a new baby AND pay for the vet bill AND buy more food AND buy new bedding for the cage. Pippin’s been chewing all of the fleece up like crazy. He misses Merri a lot and I don’t…