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Avatar for ForestFern


ForestFern / Female / Virginia

Commissions: Open
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Sometimes
ForestFern’s avatar

What Kin is doing with her time.

So arty things have been happening, despite my not posting them here. One of my resolutions for 2014 was to try and draw everyday, even if it was just a sketch, and one of the ways I've been trying to facilitate that is by doing the 365 comic challenge. So that's basically what I've been occupying…

ForestFern’s avatar

I am Weasyl?

Okay, so! I'm finally done transferring over my gallery, and now I guess it's time for a journal! After a lot of thought and mulling over the situation, I decided to join a lot of other artists in moving on over to Weasyl, and I gotta say, this place is pretty nice. The layout is nice and simplisti…