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Avatar for FayseTheCat


FayseTheCat / 29 / Mutant

I Draw Horrible Things
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Closed
FayseTheCat’s avatar

Commissions Available / Tablet Mishaps Cleared Up

So I managed to somehow fix my tablet, even i'm not too sure as to how I did that but hey the usb drive works now, its all good. That being said, my commissions are open again, so if you want one please check out the prices here and…

FayseTheCat’s avatar

Commissions Closed For A While

Well I think my old grandpa of a tablet has just about had it, its USB drive is fucked to shit and it keeps DCing the tablet from my computer every few minutes no matter what cable I put into it Because of this, I can't really focus on the things I want to draw because the frustration of knowing my…