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Faora / 37 / Male

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Faora’s avatar

Interwoven Post-Mortem (+ Void Dreaming Update!)

Hey there! I figured that now would be a good time, a bit more than a quarter of a year removed from the end of Interwoven (and too late to have it suggested for any furry awards so no one can accuse me of pushing my work; ha!), to finally sit down and do a sort of post-mortem on the whole project.…

Faora’s avatar

The End, and New Beginnings

And so ends the tale of William and Tobias. Interwoven stands complete, more or less! Scroll to the very bottom if you just want the TL;DR because this got LONG. This has been a wild experiment, and I first want to say thank you to those who've been with me on this journey all of 2023 with the grad…

Faora’s avatar

So Where's Fae Gone This Time?

So life hates me. I don’t mean that in a, “Poor little Fae, pity me,” sort of manner. I’m also not asking for help; a combination of pride and lack of necessity prevent me from doing so. The purpose of this journal is to simply explain a couple of things that have been happening to me in the barest…

Faora’s avatar

FCMTS and 2016 - What The Fae?

So, let’s get the obvious out of the way. It’s been a quieter year than you might have thought was coming from me. I had a lot of big plans for the year, but the vast majority of them were superseded by even bigger things that wound up snapping up my time. Let’s first run down what I wanted to have…

Faora’s avatar

Why I Like Furry - A Fandom Retrospective Through My Eyes

The porn’s pretty nice, I guess. So, Zootopia’s out now in a lot of places. Mine is not one of them. However, I think that the inherent existence of Zootopia as a ‘real thing’ that has emphatically ‘happened’ recently is actually something that warrants a truly special look at this big, broad, wond…

Faora’s avatar

2015-2016, and Blood And Water

So. Uh, hi. Fae here! First, let’s address the elephant in the room. Fae’s Christmas Music-Themed Special 2015 never finished this year. I’m honestly, awfully, terribly sorry about that. I’ll get into more about why that’s the case in a moment, but to help people understand why 2015 was such a dry…