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Avatar for EclipsedGarden


EG / Spirit animal / You wouldn't believe me if I told you

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EclipsedGarden’s avatar

9 months later

Hell, life happens and there has been a lot of things that I had, and still trying to sort out. I haven't really mirrored some of the works I've posted in other areas to here due to the fact that don't even ge responses or interactions in this place at all. Things are hard to get off the ground whe…

EclipsedGarden’s avatar

Plans for 2018

Not really sure how to gauge the interests in this place due to the lack of interactions I get here, so it's hard to really remember that I should mirror or post things here. Despite last year's desolate activity, I'll try poking around weekly to see what's up and to see if I ever get any messages.…

EclipsedGarden’s avatar

Update - 5/18/16

Added sketching folders to my submissions to clean up and to separate drawings I scribbled from the actual submission pages. If you're following me you'll still see them in the notifications but for anyone else that is interested should navigate through the submission folders to find them (I hope t…