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Avatar for DJVeeMusics


DJVeeMusics / 34 / Male / TN, USA

Peaceful Tides.
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed
DJVeeMusics’s avatar

Done with music uploads tonight!

Due to the three uploads rule, I will save the next two release uploads for tomorrow, to keep them together. After that, I will possibly upload some scribbles and some smaller things, then kick back into work mode for my next releases that are coming up. Stay tuned! Peaceful tides. DJ

DJVeeMusics’s avatar

How I plan to post things!

Okay, so here's what I do: I am a musician! I specifically make electronic music under multiple aliases. Right now, I'm primarily uploading/linking my singles from Bandcamp, and I expect to continue this process as I release more full material! For my full releases, I have a folder titled "Full rel…

DJVeeMusics’s avatar


Hello, Weasyl! My name is DJ Vee, and I make music. I'M ABOUT TO ROCK YOUR WORLD. Metaphorically. I can't play a guitar very well BUT IT'S THE FOUGHT THAT COUNT! I will upload various works here, and release my singles and albums at my Bandcamp! Now that we have that out of the way, let's be rad an…