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Avatar for DjChris


DjChris / 36 / Male / Bowling Green, FL

Amplify your soul
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Closed
Requests: Sometimes
DjChris’s avatar

Helping an artist

To those who read I have a journal from an artist Daphne Lage that she needed support on her Kickstarter project help support her or spread the word to her more support

DjChris’s avatar

Happy New Year

Yo Everybody, Happy new year, it's been another long year and man it was long one, but it felt like it came to a end real quick, we had our good days and bad days and it feels mostly bad these past moths, but it's finally gonna be the new year, let's just hope it cold get a little better, anyway I…

DjChris’s avatar

A raffle

Yo people AngelAito is having a free raffle on her page. Check out this journal

DjChris’s avatar

Happy New Year

Sup people, Happy New Year. The first day of the new year is here is going off good so far, I hope this year will be better than the moment of what happened in December of losing both my cousin and second grandmother, may they finally have peace, my grandma finally going to see dad again. Here's to…