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CiscoFur’s avatar


Yo I ain't even know why I decided to check out my profile But here I am! Uhhhhhh maybe I'll use this again soon? Idk

CiscoFur’s avatar

Dude what?!

Okay so the best way to make this site more popular is to actually contribute to it. Journals, art, photos, music all that good stuff. And one thing that kept me so attached to FA was... .....The drama. Even if I was just a lurker I still ate it right up. So I guess you can consider my FA a lurker…

CiscoFur’s avatar

Weasyl + musings

This site is defineatly pretty. It seems fast too. I have hope for it, to develop a thriving community. Maybe it will have its own convention! However I wonder if it will ever "not be a furry site" , some how flooded with a dev-art like crowd. I really hope this site never becomes like dev-art. I w…