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Avatar for Bynn


Bynn / Burd o >o/ / Southern Burdland (Chile)

When life is a variable, keep tea a consant.
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed
Bynn’s avatar

Le free art! She makes awesome art, so go give her your love everyone <3

Bynn’s avatar

That moment when...

One of your friends from a pretty close cricle tells you he is in a poliamory relationship... Not that I have anything against it, I respect his decision and hisa mates', it just surprises me to see something like that so closely, right under my nose. So, what's the people around here watching me o…

Bynn’s avatar

Get to know me meme thingy stuff :V

Because why not :V What's your real name? Diego Alonso Fernando de la Cruz Gonzalez (no, I'm not Mexican :V ), but everyone calls me Diego. How tall are you? 1,79 Mt. What's your natural hair color? Dark brown, almost black. What's your eye color? A mix of green-ish brown and dark brown (depends on…