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Avatar for BonyBat


BonyBat / 32 / Agender (she/them) / Sin City

This is ill advised...
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Closed
Requests: Sometimes
BonyBat’s avatar

Post Con Update

I've been home for a few days, got hit hard with the con crud so sorry for the delay in updates. FC was a total blast, I had such a great time, met so many nice people, and sweat a whole lot haha! I will definitely be attending next year! As for future plans, there's a lot to say, I would absolutel…

BonyBat’s avatar

Further Confusion 2016

Hey everybody! Is anyone else at further confusion? I am! If you see me please feel free to ask for a hug or a picture, I'm more than happy to oblige! This is my first furry convention so I don't know anyone except for the people I came with. I'll be suiting in Pan for a few hours every day and I'l…