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Avatar for BlueBreed


BlueBreed / Brah / Florida, USA

Commissions: Open
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed
BlueBreed’s avatar

Level 0 Patreon Goal Reached!

This is late, but I would just like to thank you all for your support! Thanks to all of you, I have managed to achieve the Level 0 goal of my Patreon! Thank you! Let this be an example of how every little bit of support can lead to something great - and I couldn't possibly thank you all enough for…

BlueBreed’s avatar

YouTube Channel!

As of lately my attempts at streaming haven't been going so well, as I'm confined to my college dormitory wifi which doesn't have very optimum bandwidth for streaming. So, in response to this I've created a YouTube channel that I will be posting weekly speed paint videos on. Keep in mind, I'll only…