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BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, road trippers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #19-20: ROAD TRIPPERS #1-2: https://questionpro.…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, Patreon creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #1-3: PAT…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, nonsuiters

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #16-18: NON…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, musicians

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #19-20: MUSICIANS #1:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, greymuzzles

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #13-15: GRE…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, dealers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #16-18: D…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #10-12: CRE…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, con fliers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #13-15: C…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, commish creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #7-9: COMMI…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, chat mods

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #10-12: C…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, artists

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #4-6: ARTIS…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, all fans

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #7-9: ALL…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, writers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #1-3: WRITE…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, VRChat users

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #4-6: VRC…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, streaming creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #21-22: STREAMING CREATORS (all types) #1-2: htt…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, streaming artists

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #1-3: STR…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #7-8: See my homepage for more fun furry surveys…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #4-6: See m…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, room captains

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #19-20: ROOM CAPTAINS #1-2: https://questionpro.…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, road trippers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #19-20: ROAD TRIPPERS #3-4: https://questionpr…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, Patreon creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #16-18: PAT…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, nonsuiters

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #16-18: N…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, musicians

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #13-15: MUS…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, greymuzzles

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #13-15: G…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry/VRChat Match Game poll #1

In preparation for future VRChat and convention games, we’ve put together some Match Game “Super Match” polls. Just fill in each blank with the first answer you think of. It’s quick and easy! Get your friends to join in! Thanks for participating! See my homepage…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, dealers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #10-12: DEA…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #10-12: C…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, con fliers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #7-9: CON F…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, commish creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #7-9: COM…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, chat mods

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #4-6: CHATR…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, artists

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #4-6: ART…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, all fans

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #1-3: ALL F…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, writers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #1-3: WRI…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, VRChat users

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #21-22: VRCHAT USERS #1-3: https://questionpro.c…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, streaming creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #19-20: STREAMING CREATORS (all types) #1-2: h…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, streaming artists

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #19-20: STREAMING ARTISTS (visual) #1: https://q…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, room captains

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #16-18: R…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, road trippers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #16-18: ROA…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, Patreon creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #13-15: P…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, nonsuiters

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #13-15: NON…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, musicians

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #10-12: M…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, greymuzzles

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #10-12: GRE…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, dealers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #7-9: DEA…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #7-9: CREAT…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, con fliers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #4-6: CON…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, commish creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #4-6: COMMI…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, chatroom mods

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #1-3: CHA…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, artists

As promised last week, we now present Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. Remember that all questions remain open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #1-3: https://…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #8

(This is the last new poll we have for now. Next week we will shift to rerun mode.) Have you ever commissioned furry artwork from a non-furry artist? One of 5 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses a…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Creators #4

Have you ever lost furry work of yours to a hard drive crash? One of 6 new questions for creators of all types—artists, writers, musicians, etc. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: VRChat users #5

Due to omission of an answer choice, we are re-polling two questions for VRChat users. If you voted on these earlier this month, please vote again. As usual, all responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #22

Have you ever taken a cold shower during a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As alwa…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #8

Have you ever studied anatomy as an aid in your artwork? One of 9 new questions for visual artists in any medium. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #7

To guard against spreading a contagious disease, have you ever worn a mask printed with an animal muzzle design? One of 10 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: VRChat users #4

Have you ever gone on a date in VRChat? One of 5 new questions for VRChat users. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always, we’re still on…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #21

Have you ever been on the losing end of the “if you break it, you buy it” rule at a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #7

Have you ever worn clothing with your own furry artwork on it? One of 10 new questions for visual artists. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too!…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #20

Have you ever operated a touchscreen with fursuit paws? One of 8 new questions for fursuiters (past or present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join i…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Streaming creators #2

Have you ever used your stream to raise funds for a charity? One of 4 new questions for streaming creators (creators of all types who stream their work). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with you…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #20

Have you ever used an ATM during a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always, we’r…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Road trippers #4

Have you ever sung in the vehicle on the way to or from a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for road trippers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #19

Have you ever experienced “phantom tail syndrome”? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in t…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Creators #3

In the past month, have you backed up your work to an external drive or cloud storage? One of 10 new questions for creators of all types. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and wa…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #19

Have you ever had exactly the same set of roommates for two furry conventions in a row? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so th…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #6

Has a character of yours been depicted trying to wake up with a cup of coffee? One of 10 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #18

Do you currently have a digitigrade fursuit? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Dealers #2

Have you worked in a dealer space at a convention outside furry fandom? One of 7 new questions for dealers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #18

Have you ever donated unopened hotel soap or shampoo for distribution to people in need? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so t…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #6

Have you ever drawn something on a paper napkin? One of 10 new questions for visual artists (in any medium). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in to…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #17

Have you ever been asked to leave a public place because you were fursuiting without proper permission? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Room captains #2

Have you ever had to mediate a dispute between roommates at a furry convention? One of 9 new questions for room captains. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they c…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #17

After sleeping at a furry convention, have you ever woken up and realized that you had drooled on the pillow? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your frie…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Commission creators #2

Have you ever publicly sung the praises of a good customer? One of 3 new questions for commission creators of all types. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they ca…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #16

If the law allowed you to do so, would you wear a fursuit for an official government ID photo? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past or present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Writers #2

Have you ever used a fountain pen? One of 8 new questions for writers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always, we’re still on the looko…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #16

Have you ever sponsored at a furry convention just for the consuite meals? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join i…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: VRChat users #3

Has a troll crashed your VRChat session? One of 10 new questions for VRChat users (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As a…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #15

Have you ever played miniature golf in fursuit? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too!…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #5

Have you ever completed a monthlong daily artwork challenge like Inktober? One of 10 new questions for visual artists. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #15

Have you ever had a meal from a food truck during a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #5

Do you currently have landline telephone service in your home? One of 10 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too!…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #14

Have you ever worn a fursuit on public transit? (Thanks to FloppyFox for the question.) One of 10 new questions for fursuiters. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Road trippers #3

On a road trip to a furry convention, have you ever given another motorist the “one-finger salute”? One of 10 new questions for road trippers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends a…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #14

Have you ever cried at a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always, we’re still on…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Creators #2

Did a teacher recognize your potential creative talent before you recognized it yourself? One of 10 new questions for creators of all types—art, writing, music, etc. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to sh…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #13

Have you ever been photographed in fursuit with a “treat” on your muzzle? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watcher…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #4

Have you ever made artwork to contribute to an Internet meme? One of 10 new questions for visual artists. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too!…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #13

Have you ever sung in the shower at a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always, w…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Patreon creators #1

Have you ever caught someone reposting a patrons-only work without your permission? One of 3 new questions for furry creators—visual artists, writers, composers, musicians, and so on—who have or once had a Patreon account. All questions stay open until they rece…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #12

Have you ever worn a fursuit at your workplace? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too!…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Streaming artists #1

Have you ever taken a break from drawing in your stream because you could not resist grooving to the background music? One of 5 new questions for streaming visual artists. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #12

During a furry convention, have you ever gone to bed in your street clothes? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #4

Have you ever told your teacher, “My dog ate my homework”? One of 10 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #11

While in fursuit, have you ever responded to scritching by wiggling a leg to mimic a dog’s “scratch reflex”? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Musicians #1

Have you ever heard your own music as another furry fan’s ringtone? One of 9 new questions for musicians. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too!…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #11

Have you ever carried traveler’s checks at a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As al…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: VRChat users #2

Have you ever experienced motion sickness while using VRChat? One of 10 new questions for VRChat users (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #10

Would you seriously consider wearing your fursuit to try to get out of jury duty? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #10

Have you ever gotten into a “thermostat war” with a roommate at a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they c…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Room captains #1

Has a roommate ever stiffed you on their share of room charges? One of 10 new questions for room captains (furry fans who have reserved lodging in their own name to share with roommates at a convention). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #9

While fursuiting, have you ever given a nonsuiter “change” for a high-five? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watch…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Road trippers #2

Have you ever practiced changing a tire? One of 10 new questions for road trippers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always, we’re still…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #9

Have you ever had a hard time sleeping during a furry convention because a roommate was snoring? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watch…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Dealers #1

Have you caught a shoplifter red-pawed in the dealers’ den? One of 10 new questions for dealers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #8

If you were to go surfing in your fursuit, would you need more than just your two hindpaws to “hang ten”? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to sha…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Streaming creators #1

Does it bother you when someone roleplays in your stream chat? One of 10 new questions for streaming creators. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #8

Do you feel more at ease at a furry convention than at your local grocery store? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Greymuzzles #1

Have you ever printed furry artwork on a dot matrix printer? (Thanks to FloppyFox for the question.) One of 9 new questions for greymuzzles. (Definitions of “greymuzzle” vary. Whether you consider yourself one is left to your own best judgment.) All questions st…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #7

Do you exercise or stretch to maintain fursuiting shape? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can joi…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #3

Have you done a two-minute sketch exercise? One of 10 new questions for visual artists. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always, we’re s…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #7

Have you ever been so excited about a furry convention that you had trouble falling asleep the night before your trip? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #3

Have you ever seen a cloud formation in the shape of an animal? One of 10 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #6

Have you performed repairs on your own fursuit? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past or present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too!…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Nonsuiters #1

Do people give better hugs in fursuit than out of suit? One of 6 new questions for nonsuiters (furry fans who have never worn a fursuit). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and wa…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #6

Do you still remember the first person you ever hugged at a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can joi…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Road trippers #1

Have you ever gotten a traffic ticket on a road trip to a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for road trippers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #5

Do you consider yourself a better dancer in fursuit or out of suit? (Thanks to Keefur for the question.) One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to shar…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #2

Have you drawn Telegram stickers? One of 10 new questions for visual artists. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always, we’re still on th…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #5

Which is bigger—the number of furry conventions you’ve attended, or the number of birthdays you’ve had? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends an…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Writers #1

Have you ever used a typewriter? One of 10 new questions for writers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always, we’re still on the lookou…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #4

Have you helped a nonsuiter skip an elevator line by falsely claiming the nonsuiter as your handler? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share wi…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: VRChat users #1

Have you ever done something in VRChat that you would be embarrassed to do at a real-world furry convention? One of 10 new questions for VRChat users (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure t…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #4

Have you ever had a first date at a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always, we’…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #2

If your government allowed you to do so, would you change your legal name to your fandom name? One of 10 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and w…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #3

Have you ever been in a furpile? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always, we’…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Creators #1

Have you ever caught someone plagiarizing your work? One of 10 new questions for furry creators (artists, writers, musicians, etc). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #3

Have you ever lost your room key card at a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As alwa…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Con fliers #1

Have you ever received a free upgrade on a flight to or from a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for furry fans who have flown to or from a convention. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share wi…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #2

Have you ever slept in your fursuit to keep warm on a cold night? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so the…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Commission creators #1

Have you ever gotten so frustrated while dealing with a commission customer that you offered a refund just to get them out of your hair? One of 10 new questions for commission creators. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anon…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #2

Have you ever had trouble sleeping at a furry convention because of noise from another room? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Chatroom moderators #1

Have you ever accidentally kicked a user out of a chatroom? One of 8 new questions for chatroom moderators (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so t…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #1

Have you ever let someone else wear your fursuit? One of 10 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in to…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #1

Did you often draw when you were bored at school? One of 10 new questions for artists. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As always, we’re st…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reboot: Congoers #1

Have you ever had a “roommate from hell” at a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your friends and watchers so they can join in too! As a…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reboot: All fans #1

After receiving attention from a furry fan you look up to, have you ever thought, “Sempai noticed me”? One of 10 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. Be sure to share with your frien…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Relaunching Furry Card Sharks polls

After a two-week pause, we are about to restart our Furry Card Sharks polls. Since we will be at a new survey site, it will be mostly like starting over. All the questions that got 100 votes at our previous site will remain closed—those are still ready to play at upcoming furry events. The remainin…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, dealers

One hundred. Bad for a temperature, success for a Furry Card Sharks poll. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS (visual) #1-3:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, creators

Even from COVID isolation, the polls march on! All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #30, 32, 36:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, con fliers

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #13-15: CON FLIER…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, commish creators

If you’re packing for Anthrocon, or even if you’re staying home, we invite you to spare a minute or two for this weekend’s Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #13-1…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, chat mods

If it’s Saturday, it’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS #10-12:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, writers

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #22-23, 27: WRITERS…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, VRChat users

Our Furry Card Sharks poll reruns this week feature two ways to wear your fursona—fursuits and VRChat avatars. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #10-12:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, streamers

For a three-day weekend we have three categories in our encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #10-12:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, room captains

This weekend’s Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS #7-9: ROOM C…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, road trippers

This weekend’s Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #42-43: ROAD TRIPPERS #1-3: https://surveyher…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, Patreon creators

In the time it takes to run ten furlongs, you can take today’s Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #7-9:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, nonsuiters

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #7-9: NONSUITERS #2…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, musicians

Now that we’re back from Fur Squared, it’s time to get back into the groove with Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS (visual) #4-6:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, greymuzzles

We’re playing Furry Card Sharks at Fur Squared this afternoon! In the meantime we still have our regular encore polls, this time for all fans and greymuzzles. As always, if you consider yourself a greymuzzle then feel free to vote. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and wat…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, dealers

Next Saturday afternoon is Furry Card Sharks at Fur Squared! Today’s polls are for fursuiters and dealers. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #4-6: http…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, creators

Furry Card Sharks at Fur Squared is only two weeks away! Today we have polls for congoers and creators of all types—visual, writing, music, you name it. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, con fliers

Just three weeks until we play Furry Card Sharks at Fur Squared! Here are some polls for furry visual artists and those who have flown to or from a furry convention. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. And don’t miss Crash McCloud,…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, commish creators

Furry Card Sharks is set to return to Fur Squared next month! Here are some of the polls we have open. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #36-38: https://…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, chat mods

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #1-3: CHATROOM MOD…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, writers

Furry Card Sharks polls take only a couple of minutes to complete...and they eventually lead to dollars for furry convention charities. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #24-25: https://s…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, VRChat users

This weekend’s encore Furry Card Sharks polls are certified desktop-friendly. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS #12: VRCHAT USERS #1-3: https://surveyhero…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, streamers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #32-34: STREAMING AR…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, room captains

It’s Linkin’ Day! So we’re linkin’ this weekend’s Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #19-21:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, road trippers

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #21-23: ROAD TRIPPE…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, Patreon creators

Need an excuse to put down the tablet for a moment? How about today’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS #9-11: https://surv…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, nonsuiters

If it’s Saturday, it’s encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #29-31:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, musicians

Once you finish procuring your French toast supplies, you’ll have plenty of time for this weekend’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #16-18: https://surv…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, greymuzzles

Enjoy these encore Furry Card Sharks polls between sips of your favorite warm beverage. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #18-20:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, dealers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS (visual) #6-8: DEALER…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, creators

Today we are regifting some Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Happy holidays, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #23, 27-28: https://surv…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, con fliers

If you’re cooling off in a headless lounge or waiting on your connecting flight, you have just enough time for today’s encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, commish creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #15-17: COMMISSION C…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, chat mods

We may be at Midwest FurFest with our Furs On the Street, but we still have our regular weekly encore polls for you. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS (visual) #3-5:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, writers

Today’s Furry Card Sharks polls pair well with your other holiday leftovers. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #42-43, 22:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, VRChat users

If you’ve worn a character in VRChat or in realspace, take a moment for today’s Furry Card Sharks polls . . . you won’t even have to break the magic. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, streamers

Have you been to a furry con? Are you at one now? Have you streamed your work? Are you streaming now? If any of those is true, be sure to check out this weekend’s Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks,…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, room captains

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS #12, 1-2: ROOM CAPTA…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, road trippers

This weekend, treat yourself to this bag of Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #39-41: https://…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, Patreon creators

After a delay due to morning storms, here are this weekend’s encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS (past or present) #7-9:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, nonsuiters

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #9-11: NONSUITERS #2…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, musicians

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS #9-11: MUSICIANS #1-2…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, greymuzzles

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #36-38: GREYMUZZLES…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, dealers

Got your sweaters? Got your pumpkin spice latte? Got your Furry Card Sharks polls? Then you’re all set. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #4-6: https:/…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, creators

A couple of minutes is all it takes to participate in today’s Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #6-8:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, con fliers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS (visual) #6-8: CON FL…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, commish creators

Summer may be winding down, but our encore Furry Card Sharks polls are not. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #33-35: h…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, chat mods

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #1-3: CHAT MODERAT…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, writers

Congoers and writers are the foci of this weekend’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #25, 2, 5:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, VRChat users

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS #3-5: VRCHAT USERS #…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, streamers

Just because we’re at Megaplex doesn’t mean we’re neglecting our regular weekly polls. We’re just a tad late, is all. As always, all responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #30-32: https://surveyhe…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, room captains

One more encore set of Furry Card Sharks polls before we head off to Megaplex. All responses are anonymous.Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. FURSUITERS #19-21:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, road trippers

With an in-person convention less than two weeks away, how apropos that we feature polls of congoers and road trippers. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #22-24:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, Patreon creators

If you haven’t seen today’s Furry Card Sharks polls before, then they’re new to you. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ARTISTS #11, 1-2:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #27-29: NONSUITERS #…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Fursuiters, musicians

Stuck in holiday traffic? Waiting for the grill to warm up? If you’re a fursuiter or a furry musician, fill a couple of idle minutes with today’s Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and st…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers, greymuzzles

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. CONGOERS #19-21: GREYMUZZLES…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Artists, dealers

We’ve made a lot of progress in our all-fans Furry Card Sharks polls thanks to all of you who have voted and signalboosted. Now let’s give our other categories an opportunity to catch up. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks,…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, creators

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #22-24: CREATORS #1…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

This weekend’s Furry Card Sharks polls aren’t new, but if you haven’t seen them yet they’re new to you! All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #41-43: https:/…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, con fliers

The green flag is out for another weekend of retread Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #38-40:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists

Posting encore Furry Card Sharks polls a little early due to a prior commitment. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #35-37:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: VRChat users #3

Have you ever cloned another VRChat user’s avatar? One of 4 new questions for VRChat users. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word along. And thanks…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, commish creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #32-34: COMMISSION C…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Room captains #4

Have you ever had to mediate a dispute between roommates at a furry convention? One of 2 new questions for room captains—furry fans who have reserved lodging in their own name to share with roommates at a convention. All questions stay open until they receive 100 v…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

Mom always said, “Don’t play ball in the house.” But she probably never said anything about Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #29-31:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Nonsuiters #4

Do people give better hugs in fursuit than out of suit? One of 2 new questions for nonsuiters. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word along. And than…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, chat mods

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #26-28: CHATROOM MOD…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #21

Do you give better hugs in fursuit than out of suit? One of 5 new questions for fursuiters. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word along. And thanks…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

Doing our part during this Earth Week with recycled Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #17, 24-25:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #25

Have you ever had exactly the same set of roommates for two furry conventions in a row? One of 5 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, writers

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #18, 22-23: WRITERS…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #12

Have you ever included a pride flag (or a pride flag pattern) in furry artwork? One of 4 new questions for artists. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists

As you may have already noticed, new Furry Card Sharks polls are coming out over the next several Wednesdays! In the meantime, here are this weekend’s repeats. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. AL…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #43

Do you remember watching the Academy Awards telecast the night Zootopia won Best Animated Feature? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, VRChat users

We’re less than 48 hours from Half Price Chocolate Bunny Day! Here are some encore Furry Card Sharks polls to tide you over before you go out to score your sweets. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

The swallows have returned to Capistrano, the buzzards are back in Hinckley, and the encore Furry Card Sharks polls are in your inbox. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #39-41: https://su…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, streaming creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #36-38: STREAMING AR…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

Another weekend, another batch of encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #33-35: https://sur…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, room captains

Another Fur Squared Card Sharks is in the books, and this time we raised over a hundred dollars for HAWS! Thanks to our players, survey participants, assistant CirrusSkyDragon, and the F2 team for another fun show! So we now return to our weekly poll links. All responses are anonymous. Please share…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks returning to Fur Squared

In just three weeks Furry Card Sharks returns to Fur Squared! In our pre-con polls this time around we especially want to hear from: • Fursuiters (past or present) • Greymuzzles (by age or by time in fandom; how old and how long are left to your best judgment) As always, all responses are anonymous…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists

It’s that time again! To test the storm sirens? To put two kinds of cheese on a cheeseburger? Nope, it’s encore Furry Card Sharks polls! All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #27-29: https://…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, road trippers

In recent weeks, people like you have brought dozens of our Furry Card Sharks questions to the magic 100 votes. Let’s see how you do with this weekend’s polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. AL…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

Furry Card Sharks polls only take a couple of minutes, and every vote eventually helps out a convention charity. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #21-23:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, Patreon creators

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #18-20: PATREON CRE…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

New year, old polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #15-17: FURSUITERS (past or pr…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, nonsuiters

The last Furry Card Sharks poll rerun of the year. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #11-12, 14:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists

Today’s Furry Card Sharks polls are blatant regifting. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone; stay safe, and enjoy the holidays as much as you can. ALL FANS #42, 9-10: https://survey…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, musicians

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #39-41: MUSICIANS #…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, greymuzzles

This weekend’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns contain no content designed to knock you out of Whamageddon. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #36-38: https…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

In the back of the fridge, behind the last slice of pumpkin pie . . . here they are . . . this weekend’s Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #33-35: https://surveyh…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, dealers

We’re certainly thankful to you for your continued participation in our Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #30-32: https://survey…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #27-29: FURSUITERS…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, creators

Now that the elections are behind us, how about something fun to vote on for a change? Tada—this weekend’s Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #24-26: https://surve…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists

No tricks, only treats in this weekend’s encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #21-23: http…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, con fliers

Another Saturday, another batch of warmed-over Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #18-20: https…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: VRChat users #2

Have you ever experienced motion sickness while using VRChat? One of 14 new questions for VRChat users. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word along.…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

Hope you saved room for dessert—we’ve got some yummmmmmy reheated Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #15-17: https://surveyhero.c…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #20

Have you ever experienced “phantom tail syndrome”? One of 8 new questions for fursuiters (past and present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word a…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, commission creators

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #11-12, 14: COMMISS…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #24

Have you ever attended a furry convention in its first year? One of 4 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word along. And t…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

We certify that this weekend’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns contain no trace of pumpkin spice. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #41, 9-10: https://surv…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Nonsuiters #3

Have you ever dressed up for a video call? One of 4 new questions for nonsuiters. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word along. And thanks for partic…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, chat mods

Here are this weekend’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #38-40:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #42

So far, have you played every game in the Animal Crossing franchise? One of 9 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the wor…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #35-37: ARTISTS #1-…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, writers

Today we return to a full mix of categories in our Furry Card Sharks poll rerun rotation. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #32-34:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers (again)

Fortunately, Where did the summer go? is not a question you will find in today’s encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #29-31:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

Juggling three furry conventions this weekend? It’s okay to drop the ball for a moment and take part in our Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #26-28: https:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

Got a minute or two? Got some friends with a minute or two? Especially friends with fursuits? That’s all it takes to participate in these encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and sta…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #20-22: CONGOERS #16…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

Furry Card Sharks polls are not exactly part of any balanced breakfast that we know of, but don’t let that stop you from joining in. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #17-19: https://surv…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

New month, old polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #14-16: CONGOERS #13-15: http…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists, streamers

The yardwork can wait just a few minutes—that’s all it takes for you to participate in this weekend’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #10-12: https://surv…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #40-41, 9: FURSUITE…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

Beat the heat this weekend with some cool, refreshing Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #37-39:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists

Whether you’re exploring Virtual Anthrocon or just grillin’ and chillin’, we hope you’ll take a few moments for these encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #34…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, road trippers

Another weekend, another rerun of Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #31-33: https://surveyhero…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

Summer’s here, and the time is right for encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #28-30: http…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: VRChat users #1

Have you done something in a furry VRChat world that you would be embarrassed to do at a real-world furry convention? One of 11 new questions for VRChat users (past or present). All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If y…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #25-27: CONGOERS #7-…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe. ALL FANS #22-24: ARTISTS #5-7…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

Now that you’ve polished off that ginormous bowl of Saturday morning cartoon cereal, it’s time for some more Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe! ALL FANS #19-21: https://sur…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe! ALL FANS #16-18: FURSUITERS…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: Congoers #3-4

We have two congoer polls that are thiiiiis close to game-ready. Will your vote put them over the top? On the final night of a furry convention, do you usually attend a dead dog party? One of 4 questions that are all one vote away! Have you ever used a roommate’s t…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, room captains

Furry Card Sharks polls are just one way to pass the time while you’re waiting for the salon to open. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe! ALL FANS #12, 14-15: https…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, road trippers

Conventions may not resume for a while . . . but in the meantime Furry Card Sharks polls roll on. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Your participation and signalboosts make it possible for us to present this game at future conven…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, greymuzzles

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe! ALL FANS #40-41: GREYMUZZLES #2-3 (if you think you might be on…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, writers

For temporary relief from quarantine stir-craziness, four out of five million doctors recommend participation in weekly Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks, everyone, and stay safe! ALL FANS #37-39:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #23

Have you ever skipped an event at a furry convention because you assumed there would be video of it online? One of 9 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might wan…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #41

Have you ever prepared for a video call by making sure no furry-related items were clearly visible in your camera shot? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #19

Have you ever tied an ordinary shoelace while wearing fursuit paws? One of 4 new questions for fursuiters, past and present. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

FCS polls: Artists #11, creators #6

Two new Furry Card Sharks polls today! ARTISTS: Have you ever turned down a paying commission because you didn’t like the design of one of the characters involved? (Submitted by TokensPanda) CREATORS (all types—artwork, writing, music, etc): Have you ever gotten an…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Dealers #3

Have you ever had to leave your table unattended to “answer the call of nature”? One of 2 new questions for dealers—anyone who has worked in a dealer space at a furry convention. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Greymuzzles #4

Have you ever reassured a younger furry fan who had done something unwise that you did something just as foolish in your youth? One of 3 new questions for greymuzzles. If you think you might be one, count yourself in. All questions stay open until they receive 100…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Road Trippers #6

On a road trip for a furry convention, have you ever used seat belts to secure cargo? One of 3 new questions for road trippers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, ple…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, musicians

One way you can pass the time under your stay-home order is by participating in today’s encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. A week of new polls starts Monday! Thanks for voting and signalboosting! AL…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll rerun: Fursuiters #3

FURSUITERS: Have you ever used your fursuit head by itself as part of a practical joke? This and ten more questions in the encore Furry Card Sharks poll foolin’. If you already voted, please share with other fursuiters. Con charities will love ya! See my…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, commish/Patreon

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #31-33: COMMISSION CREATORS #1 (past or prese…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, streamers

Distract yourself for a few minutes with this weekend’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #28-30: https://surveyh…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, creators

Hope you saved room on this Pi Day for a slice of Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #25-27:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, con fliers

Another Saturday morning serving of Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #22-24: CON FLI…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists

Now that Fur Squared is behind us for this year, today we leap back into our weekend rotation of Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #19-21: https://survey…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks at Fur Squared 2020

We are happy to confirm that Furry Card Sharks will return to Fur Squared next month! As we prepare for the game, a reminder that this year’s featured polls are in this journal entry. We thank you for participating and spreading the word! See my homepage for more fun furry surveys! Based on Card Sh…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, creators

If it’s Saturday, it’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #16-18: CREATORS #1-3…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, chatroom mods

While we wait for a decision from Cyberskunk Scentral, we’ll continue with our Furry Card Sharks encore polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #12, 14-15:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks polls: Fur Squared 2020 drive

Fur Squared 2020 is right around the corner . . . and with it, the return of Furry Card Sharks! For those joining in for the first time: Welcome! Just like on the classic TV show, a big part of Furry Card Sharks involves questions based on surveys of 100 furry fans. We’ve picked out the polls that…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, dealers

The Furry Card Sharks polling crew finishes the year, as many shows do, with reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks for participating, and have a safe and happy 2020! ALL FANS #9-11: ht…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #22

Have you ever left a handwritten or hand-drawn thank-you note for your housekeeper? One of 6 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pas…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #40

Have you ever told your teacher, “My dog ate my homework”? One of 4 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word along. A…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans #36-39

Another batch of Furry Card Sharks poll reruns, then it’s back to the top of the order. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #36-39: https://survey…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #33-35: See my homepage for more fun furry su…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, road trippers

Encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #30-32: ROAD TRIPPERS #4-5: https://surveyhe…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

While many of you are recovering from L-tryptophan overload, we hope you at least saved room for this weekend’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #27-29:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers, room captains

Yes-Or-No-vember continues with more Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #21-26:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, road trippers

And we return to reruns of Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #18-20: ROAD TRIPPERS #1…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks polls: All fans, fursuiters, creators

Just to catch up on the last of this week’s new Furry Card Sharks polls . . . Have you ever told a furry artist to make some portion of a character’s anatomy bigger? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Have you ever fursuited at a child’s birthday party? (S…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Room captains #3

Have you ever paid your hotel bill at a furry convention with something other than the card you used to reserve the room? One of 3 new questions for room captains. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Road trippers #5

Have you ever sung in the vehicle on the way to or from a furry convention? One of 8 new questions for road trippers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass t…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #21

Have you ever been a “roommate from hell” at a furry convention? One of 8 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word along. A…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #10

A week of new polls begins today! Has anyone ever told you to make some portion of a character’s anatomy bigger? One of 4 new questions for artists. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Poll journals on hold

Poll journals on Weasyl are on hold for the moment. Please visit my homepage to check for new polls as they become available—they will be marked (NEW).

BarkWoofson’s avatar

FCS poll reruns: All fans, greymuzzles

For a limited time only, we present to you exclusive pumpkin-spice-scented Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #5-7:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

FCS poll reruns: All fans, musicians, nonsuiters

Back to Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #37, 2-3: MUSICIANS #1-2: https://sur…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Creators #4

Have you ever lost furry work of yours to a hard drive crash? One of 3 new questions for creators of all kinds—art, writing, music, etc. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to joi…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #38

Have you ever held a funeral for a pet? One of 6 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word along. And thanks for parti…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #34-36: FURSUITERS #10-12: https://surveyhero…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

FCS poll reruns: All fans, con fliers, dealers

Fill a few idle minutes this weekend with these encore Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. Please share with your friends and watchers, even if you’ve already voted. Thanks! ALL FANS #31-33:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, streamers

If it’s Saturday, it’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted, please share with your friends and watchers anyway. Thanks! ALL FANS #28-30: STREAMING ARTIS…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #20

What is the most you have ever spent on one meal at a furry convention? One of 10 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #37

After receiving attention from a furry fan you look up to, have you ever thought, “Sempai noticed me”? One of 7 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might wa…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, creators

Megaplex has come and gone, we’re all back home safe and sound, and it’s time to encore some more Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted, please share with your friends and watchers anyway. Thanks! ALL FANS #25-27: https://survey…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Musicians #2

Have you ever heard your own music as another furry fan’s ringtone? One of 2 new questions for musicians. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word alon…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #17

Have you ever eaten solid food while wearing a fursuit head? One of 3 new questions for fursuiters. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word along. And…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Writers #2

Have you ever used a fountain pen? One of 3 new questions for writers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word along. And thanks for participating. As…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #9

In his PBS shows painter Bob Ross often said, “We don’t make mistakes; we just have happy accidents.” Have you ever incorporated a “happy accident” into a piece of furry artwork? One of 3 new questions for artists. All questions stay open until they receive 100 vot…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #36

Have you ever used a no-kill mousetrap? One of 5 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word along. And thanks for parti…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #19

Have you ever had a meal from a food truck during a furry convention? One of 8 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or watchers might want to join in, please pass the word alo…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Road trippers #4

Have you ever chosen not to drive away from your hotel during a furry convention because you were afraid of losing a good parking space? One of 4 new questions for road trippers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Room captains #2

Have you ever used your position as room captain at a furry convention to call first dibs on a particular sleeping space? One of 3 new questions for room captains. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Dealers #2

Have you ever given away merchandise at the end of a furry convention just so you wouldn’t have to take it back home with you? One of 3 new questions for dealers. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. If your friends or…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Greymuzzles #3

In the past month, did you have a “greymuzzle moment”? One of 4 new questions for greymuzzles. All questions stay open until they receive 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. As always, we’re still on the lookout for fun furry survey ideas from fans. If your fri…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

Stay cool for a few minutes this summer with some Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted, please share with your friends and watchers anyway. Thanks! ALL FANS #22-24:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

FCS poll reruns: All fans, chat mods, commish creators

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted in these polls, please share with your friends and watchers anyway; every vote gets the game closer to another convention. Thanks, everyone! ALL FANS #19-21:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists

This weekend’s Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted in these polls, please share with your friends and watchers in case they want to join in. Thanks, everyone! ALL FANS 16-18: https://sur…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

Back to Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted on these, please share with your friends and watchers anyway. Thanks for participating! ALL FANS 12-15 (13 closed earlier): https://surveyhero…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Fur On the Street misses AC 2019

Unfortunately our “Furs On the Street” got called away for an urgent macro pai gow gig, so they will not be around for Anthrocon after all. However, they will return for Midwest FurFest in December.

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #35

The practice of intentionally showing skin while wearing a fursuit head and paws is known as “poodling.” If you ran a furry convention, would you include poodlers in the official group fursuit photo? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay op…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #18

Have you ever stayed in the same hotel room for a furry convention two years in a row? One of 9 new questions for congoers. All questions stay open until 100 of you have voted. All responses are anonymous. As always, we’re still on the lookout for fun furry survey…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Chatroom mods #2

Has anyone in a chatroom pestered you for moderator status? One of 3 new questions for chatroom moderators. IRC, Telegram, Skype, stream sites—any chatroom will do. All questions stay open until 100 of you have voted. All responses are anonymous. As always, we’re s…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists

Posting these Furry Card Sharks polls a day early due to a prior engagement. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted on these, please share with your friends and watchers anyway. Thanks for participating! ALL FANS 9-11: h…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted on these, please share with your friends and watchers anyway. Thanks for participating! ALL FANS 6-8: FURSUITERS 4-6…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

So we’re back to reruns of older Furry Card Sharks polls. Remember that all responses are anonymous. If you already voted on these, please share with your friends and watchers anyway. Thanks for participating! ALL FANS 2-5 (1, 4 closed earlier): https://surveyhero.…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #8

How long has it been since the last time you used a scanner on your artwork? One of 6 new questions for artists. All questions stay open until they get 100 votes. All responses are anonymous. As always, we’re still on the lookout for fun furry survey ideas from fan…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #16

While wearing a fursuit, have you and another fursuiter emulated the iconic pose of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet on the bow of the doomed ship in Titanic? One of 7 new questions for fursuiters. All questions stay open until 100 of you have voted. All response…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Con fliers #1

Was a trip to a furry convention the first time you ever flew? One of 11 new questions for furry fans who have flown to or from a convention. All questions stay open until 100 of you have voted. All responses are anonymous. As always, we’re still on the lookout for…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All fans #34

Do you believe that in your lifetime a furry fan will be a serious contender in a United States presidential campaign? One of 13 new questions for all furry fans. All questions stay open until 100 of you have voted. All responses are anonymous. As always, we’re sti…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, chat mods, commish/Patreon

If you’ve been a moderator in a chatroom (IRC, Telegram, Skype, stream, etc) or you’ve made furry stuff on commission or Patreon, these Furry Card Sharks polls are for you. They’re quick and easy to fill out, and all responses are anonymous. If you already voted on these earlier, please share them…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, congoers

If it’s Friday but storms are coming Saturday, it’s Furry Card Sharks polls. Each takes just a minute or two, and all responses are anonymous. If you already voted on these, please share with your friends and watchers anyway. Thanks for participating! ALL FANS 31-33:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, greymuzzles, nonsuiters

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted on these, please share with your friends and watchers anyway; convention charities will eventually love you for it. Thanks for participating! ALL FANS 28-30:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, dealers, room captains

Another weekend of revisited Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted on these last time around, please share with your friends and watchers anyway; every vote gets us closer to another con. Thanks for participating! ALL FANS 25-27:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, streamers

Another weekend of revisited Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted on these last time around, please share with your friends and watchers anyway; every vote gets us closer to another con. Thanks for participating! ALL FANS 22-24:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, creators

Another weekend of revisited Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted on these last time around, please share with your friends and watchers anyway; we appreciate any and every signalboost. Thanks for participating! ALL FANS 19-21:…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, musicians, writers

More Furry Card Sharks polls that might be new to you. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted on these, please share with your friends and watchers anyway; we appreciate any and every signalboost. Thanks for participating! ALL FANS 16-18: https://surveyh…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, road trippers

If it’s Saturday, it’s Furry Card Sharks polls. All responses are anonymous. If you already voted on these, please RT/share anyway. Thanks for all your help! ALL FANS 12-15 (13 closed before Fur Squared):…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, artists

More Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. If you already voted on these last time, please share with your friends and watchers anyway as every signalboost helps. All responses are anonymous. Thanks for participating! ALL FANS 9-11: https…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All fans, fursuiters

It’s our second weekend of Furry Card Sharks poll reruns. If you already voted on these last time, please share with your friends and watchers anyway as every signalboost helps. All responses are anonymous. Thanks for participating! ALL FANS 6-8: https://surveyhero…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll reruns: All Fans, Congoers

With the success of Furry Card Sharks at Fur Squared last month, we’re working on getting more survey material ready for future conventions. Every weekend we’ll post links to some of our prior polls that are still open. If you already voted last time, please share with your friends and watchers any…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

New Furry Card Sharks polls

We have brand-new Furry Card Sharks polls for you today! Please take a moment or two to fill out the surveys that apply to you, then share the links with your friends and watchers. Thanks! As always, we’ll keep them open until 100 of you respond. All responses are anonymous. FOR ALL FANS: https://s…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

F2 ’19 Furry Card Sharks polls: Good to go!

Big thanks to everyone who has participated in, spread the word about, or just plain put up with our Furry Card Sharks polls over the past two years. This morning, we finally got enough material in the can to fill our timeslot at Fur Squared. See my homepage for more fun furry surveys!

BarkWoofson’s avatar

F2 ’19 Furry Card Sharks polls: 2 weeks to go

We have enough material in the can for two full matches of Furry Card Sharks at Fur Squared. There’s still two weeks until the con . . . let’s see how many more polls we can close! Due to low watcher/follower counts, we rely heavily on signal boosts to reach a goal of 100 responses to each question…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

F2 ’19 Furry Card Sharks polls: 3 weeks to go

Furry Card Sharks polls are still open with three weeks left until Fur Squared. Due to low watcher/follower counts, we rely heavily on signal boosts to reach a goal of 100 responses to each question. Please share the links below with your friends and watchers—and invite them to spread the word to m…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

F2 ’19 Furry Card Sharks polls: 4 weeks to go

Only four weeks to go until we put on Furry Card Sharks at Fur Squared, and our polls are still open. Please share the links below with your friends and watchers—and invite them to spread the word to more furries. Each form takes just a couple of minutes to complete, you don’t have to be going to t…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Update: Furry Card Sharks polls for FurSquared

Thanks to furries like you, we now have our first eleven game-ready survey questions for Furry Card Sharks at Fur Squared 2019. But we don’t wanna stop there—we need about thirty more in the can to be assured of filling the timeslot. The polls linked below are still open. Please share them with you…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks greenlit for Fur Squared. Crunch time!

Fur Squared has greenlit Furry Card Sharks for its 2019 convention, themed “The Mouse Always Wins.” Well, if we have anything to say about it, the convention’s charity HAWS could be the ones raking it in! Fur Squared is coming up in late February. And as the number of days gets lower, the pressure…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #32

How many episodes of the Funday Pawpet Show have you watched live (in person, online, or at a convention)? One of 9 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #31

Would you be more likely to signalboost someone if they have given you a signalboost in the past? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #30

Has a character of yours been depicted playing in a pile of leaves? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anony…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #29

Have you ever participated in a survey for Furry Feud? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anonymous. As alwa…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Greymuzzles #2

Have you ever stored furry material on a floppy disk? One of 2 new questions for greymuzzles. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anonymous. As always, w…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #16

During a furry convention, have you ever been awakened from your sleep by the sound of a roommate’s cell phone? One of 2 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top t…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #6

Have you ever taken a figure drawing class that included a nude model? One of 2 new questions for artists. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anonymous.…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #28

Have you ever put clothing on a pet? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anonymous. As always, we’re still on…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #14

Have you ever played a video game in fursuit? One of 7 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anonymous. As always, we’re stil…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #15

Have you ever sung in the shower at a furry convention? One of 4 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anonymous. As always, we…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #27

Have you ever been photographed reaching behind someone else’s head and giving them “bunny ears”? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Road Trippers #3

On a road trip to a furry convention, have you ever gotten annoyed by a “backseat driver”? One of 7 new questions for road trippers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. Al…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #14

When you took your most recent shower at a furry convention, did you use the hotel’s complimentary soap or shampoo? One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open;…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #26

Do you believe that getting a fursuit is the surest way to become “popufur”? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #13

Have you ever worn a fursuit on public transit? (Submitted by FloppyFox) One of 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anon…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #13

Have you ever lied to your boss to get time off from work to attend a furry convention? (Submitted by Greggo’s Game Shows) One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #25

If you were a contestant on a real-life game show and the host asked you to “tell us about yourself,” would you mention your involvement in furry fandom? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #12

Have you and another fursuiter engaged in a playful slapfight? One of 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anonymous. As…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #12

Have you ever shown your official convention badge to get a discount at an area business? One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All res…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #24

Did the roar of the MGM lion ever scare you as a kid? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anonymous. As alway…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #5

Have you ever completed a monthlong daily artwork challenge like Inktober? One of 13 new questions for artists. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anony…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #11

If a casting call went out for a new sitcom with an all-fursuit cast, would you audition for it? One of 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #23

Do you know anyone who collected Beanie Babies? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anonymous. As always, we’…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Road Trippers #2

On a road trip to a furry convention, have you ever flashed your high beams at a slowpoke in front of you in the fast lane? One of 5 new questions for road trippers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #11

Have you ever had a hard time sleeping during a furry convention because a roommate was snoring? One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63.…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #22

Have you ever joined a dating site that caters to furry fans? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anonymous.…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #4

Have you ever accidentally given a character an extra finger or toe and not noticed the error until the piece was complete? One of 11 new questions for artists. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #10

Not counting relatives, have any of your neighbors seen you in fursuit? One of 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anony…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #21

On Halloween, would you give extra candy to a trick-or-treater wearing an animal costume? (Inspired by Firr) One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; t…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Creators #3

Would you be more likely to favorite someone else’s work if they favorited something of yours? One of 9 new questions for creators. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #10

Have you ever been so excited about a furry convention that you had trouble falling asleep the night before your trip? One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still ope…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #20

Do you believe that you were or will be an animal in another life? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anonym…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #3

Have you ever gotten a food or beverage stain in your sketchbook? One of 11 new questions for artists. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 63. All responses are anonymous. As…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #9

Have you ever fursuited outdoors when the temperature was 0°F (–18°C) or lower? One of 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 62. All responses a…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #19

Is there a furry convention that you believe should seriously consider an attendance cap? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 62. A…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Creators #2

In the past month, have you backed up your work to an external drive or cloud storage? One of 11 new questions for creators—artists, writers, musicians, etc. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still op…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #9

Do you still remember the first person you ever hugged at a furry convention? One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. All responses are a…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #18

Has furry fandom become too mainstream? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. All responses are anonymous. As always, we’re still…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Patreon Creators #1

Have you ever caught someone reposting a patrons-only work without your permission? One of 3 new questions for Patreon creators. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. All re…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #8

Has convention security disallowed a prop you wanted to use with your fursuit? One of 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. All responses ar…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #17

Do fairy tales unfairly stereotype wolves? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. All responses are anonymous. As always, we’re st…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Commission Creators #1

Does it annoy you when people tell you they would love to commission you for a piece . . . if only they had the money for it? One of 13 new questions for commission creators. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all quest…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #8

Are there too many game shows at furry conventions? One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. All responses are anonymous. As always, we’re…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #16

At this moment, are more than half of your friends also furry fans? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. All responses are anony…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #2

Have you drawn Telegram stickers? One of 11 new questions for artists. If you’ve made furry artwork, no matter the quality or complexity, count yourself in. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still ope…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #7

While fursuiting, have you been mistaken for another character? One of 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. All responses are anonymous. As…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #15

Do you wish you had joined the furry fandom sooner than you did? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. All responses are anonymou…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Room Captains #1

Has a roommate ever stiffed you on their share of room charges? One of 8 new questions for room captains—furry fans who have reserved lodging in their own name to share with roommates at a convention. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile.…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #7

Which is bigger—the number of furry conventions you’ve attended, or the number of birthdays you’ve had? One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #14

Has a character of yours been depicted in fashions associated with a particular decade (for instance, the 1950s)? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still op…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Chatroom Moderators #1

Have you ever kicked a user out of a chatroom only as a joke? One of 5 new questions for chatroom moderators—IRC, Skype, Telegram, stream chats, etc. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #6

Has a child approached you for a hug while you were in fursuit? One of 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. As always, we’re still on the l…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #13

Have you ever viewed not-safe-for-work furry art at work? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. As always, we’re still on the loo…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Creators #1

Have you ever caught someone plagiarizing your work? One of 11 new questions for creators—artists, writers, musicians, etc. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. As always,…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #6

After a furry convention, have you ever accidentally taken home something belonging to a roommate? One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #12

Have you ever visited another furry fan’s home? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 61. As always, we’re still on the lookout for f…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Road Trippers #1

When packing for a road trip to a furry convention, have you ever found that the stuff you wanted to bring along wouldn’t all fit in the vehicle? One of 13 new questions for road trippers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writ…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #5

Have you ever brought your fursuit to a convention . . . only to not wear it even once the whole weekend? One of 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turn…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #11

Do you currently have a crush on someone in the fandom who doesn’t know it yet? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 50. As always,…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Greymuzzles #1

Which came first: your first furry convention or your first cell phone? One of 17 new questions for greymuzzles. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 49. As always, we’re still…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #5

Have you ever had trouble sleeping at a furry convention because of noise from another room? One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 49. As a…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #10

Should scientists be allowed to develop real-life animal-human hybrids? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 49. As always, we’re st…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Streamers #1

Have you ever taken a break from drawing in your stream because you could not resist grooving to the background music? One of 19 new questions for streamers. ALL STREAMERS: STREAMING ARTISTS: Links to prior surveys are archived on…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #4

Have you helped a nonsuiter skip an elevator line by falsely claiming the nonsuiter as your handler? One of 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout i…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #9

When you eat a chocolate bunny, do you start at the head? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 47. As always, we’re still on the loo…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Dealers #1

Have you had to apply the policy of “if you break it, you buy it” to a customer? One of 12 new questions for dealers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 47. As always, we’re…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #4

Have you ever used a roommate’s toothpaste without asking first? One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 47. As always, we’re still on the lo…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #8

If you were in charge of the Disney Princess franchise, would you consider adding animal characters like Nala and Maid Marian? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Nonsuiters #1

Have you ever honestly believed that you have to have a fursuit to attend a furry convention? One of 19 new questions for nonsuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 44. A…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #3

Has your fursuit head been stacked with other heads to resemble a totem pole? One of 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 44. As always, we’re…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #7

Have you ever accidentally stepped on a fursuiter’s tail? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 44. As always, we’re still on the loo…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Musicians #1

Have you ever performed in fursuit? One of 7 new questions for musicians. If you sing, play an instrument, or compose—no matter the quality—count yourself in. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still o…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #3

Have you ever gone to bed before 10 p.m. during a furry convention? One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 44. As always, we’re still on the…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #6

When talking about furry fandom with non-furries, do you tend to use the word “anthropomorphic” more than the word “furry”? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions ar…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Writers #1

Have you ever used a typewriter? One of 15 new questions for writers. If you have written something furry, no matter the quality or complexity, count yourself in. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are sti…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #2

Have you ever slept in your fursuit to keep warm on a cold night? One of 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 44. As always, we’re still on the…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #5

Have you ever been kicked out of a chatroom by accident or as a joke? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top turnout is 43. As always, we’re stil…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Artists #1

Have you ever used your opposite (non-dominant) hand to draw something for others to see? One of 11 new questions for artists. If you’ve made furry artwork, no matter the quality or complexity, count yourself in. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofs…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #2

Have you stayed an extra day before or after a furry convention so you could go sightseeing in the host city? One of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open; top tu…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #4

If Zootopia became a real place, would you move there? One of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open. As always, we’re still on the lookout for fun furry sur…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Fursuiters #1

Have you ever given up on a photo because the photographer was taking too long to get the camera ready? One of today’s 11 new questions for fursuiters. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open. As…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: Congoers #1

Have you ever broken the 6-2-1 rule? Just one of 11 new questions for congoers. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open. As always, we’re still on the lookout for fun furry survey ideas from fans…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #3

Have you ever caught yourself using furry slang while talking with non-furries? Just one of 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open. As always, we’re still on…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #2

Has a fursuiter ever nosebeeped your camera? Just one of today’s 11 new questions for all furry fans. Links to prior surveys are archived on the BarkWoofson profile. At this writing, all questions are still open. As always, we’re still on the lookout for fun furry…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll: All Fans #1

As a child, did you have a crush on an animal character? Just one of today’s questions for all furry fans. We’re starting over with shorter forms. All data from the old forms were discarded, so if you voted on any of the old forms feel free to vote again here. Link…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Another poll relaunch

Planning to regroup the Furry Card Sharks surveys into 11-question forms and post three forms per week, starting Tuesday. As in the previous reboot, all prior responses are discarded so you can vote anew if you wish.

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #10

New questions are up on SurveyHero. Part 10: All fans, artists, commission creators, congoers, creators, dealers, fursuiters, Patreon creators, road trippers, room captains, streaming creators All of the previous forms are open. Links are on the BarkWoofson profile. If you had already voted on the…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #9

New questions are up on SurveyHero. Part 9: All fans, artists, congoers, dealers, fursuiters, greymuzzles, road trippers, writers All of the previous forms are open. Links are on the BarkWoofson profile. If you had already voted on the old SurveyMonkey forms, you can vote again on SurveyHero. As al…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey feedback

A survey about the surveys. Ooh, meta. But really, how are we doing? Thanks for your feedback. Based on Card Sharks © FremantleMedia.

BarkWoofson’s avatar

REBOOT: Furry Card Sharks poll, part 8

A new form with more new questions is now open on SurveyHero. Part 8: All fans, artists, commission creators, congoers, fursuiters, greymuzzles, musicians, nonsuiters If you had already voted on the old SurveyMonkey forms, you can vote again on SurveyHero. As always, we’re still on the lookout for…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

REBOOT: Furry Card Sharks poll, part 7

Another form with new questions is now open on SurveyHero. Part 7: All fans, artists, congoers, fursuiters, greymuzzles, nonsuiters, road trippers, writers If you had already voted on the old SurveyMonkey forms, you can vote again on SurveyHero. As always, we’re still on the lookout for fun furry s…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

REBOOT: Furry Card Sharks poll, parts 5-6

The final two forms are now open on SurveyHero, including one new question written tonight. Part 5: Creators, dealers, fursuiters Part 6: Fursuiters, greymuzzles, musicians, nonsuiters, Patreon creators, road trippers, room captains, streaming artists, streaming creators, writers If you already vot…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

REBOOT: Furry Card Sharks poll, parts 3-4

The next two forms are open on SurveyHero now. Two to go. Part 3: All fans, artists, chatroom mods, commission creators, congoers Part 4: Congoers, creators If you already voted on the old forms, you can vote again on the new ones. As always, we’re still on the lookout for fun furry survey ideas fr…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

REBOOT: Furry Card Sharks poll, parts 1-2

For a smoother voter experience, we have decided to move the Furry Card Sharks surveys to SurveyHero. The first two forms are open now and four more are on the way, all with the same questions as before. All fans, part 1 All fans, part 2 If you already voted on the old forms, you’ll get to vote aga…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll, 2017.12.07

Although the regular weekly Furry Card Sharks polls have concluded, occasionally new questions come in from staff or from fans. Each link below represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code i…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #53: The joker

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 53. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #52: The bottom of the deck

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 52. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #51: This and one more

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 51. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #50: Almost there

(Posting early in anticipation of planned SurveyMonkey downtime scheduled for Saturday 11 Nov.) Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 50. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FC…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #49

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 49. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #48

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 48. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #47: In your streams

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 47. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #46

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 46. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #45

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 45. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #44

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 44. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #43

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 43. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #42: Popufur

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 42. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #41

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 41. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #40

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 40. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #39

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 39. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #38: That’s fursonal, bub

(Remember, all votes are anonymous.) Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 38. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #37

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 37. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks poll #36: Earth to Megaplex

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 36. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #35: Stuff it

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 35. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #34: An all-Keefur poll

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 34. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #33

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 33. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #32

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 32. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #31: Hello, Anthrocon!

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 31. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #30

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 30. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #29: For dear ol’ Dad

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 29. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #28

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 28. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #27: Back to the con

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 27. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #26

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 26. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #25

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 25. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #24: MOAP

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 24. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #23

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 23. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #22: Don’ts and more don’ts

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 22. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks batch #21

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 21. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #20: 20% cooler

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 20. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #19

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 19. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #18: Easter Fool taxes

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 18. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #17

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 17. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #16: Roadtrip!

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 16. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #15

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 15. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #14: Awoo

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 14. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #13

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 13. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #12

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 12. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #11: All for love

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 11. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #10: The Cyber Bowl

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 10. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better result…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #9

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 9. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better results…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #8: In your dreams

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 8. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better results…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #7

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 7. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. (For better results…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #6

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 6. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. CONGOERS ONLY (any…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #5

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 5. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. FOR ALL FANS: FCS-2…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #4 (with a holiday theme)

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 4. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. FOR ALL FANS: FCS-2…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #3

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 3. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. FOR ALL FANS: FCS-0…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #2

Here is Furry Card Sharks survey batch number 2. Each link represents one question; the question itself is near the bottom of the page below the red card back. All survey responses are anonymous. The FCS-xxx code in the link is for reference in case you wish to provide feedback. FOR ALL FANS: FCS-1…

BarkWoofson’s avatar

Furry Card Sharks survey batch #1

As promised during Fursuit Price Is Right at Midwest FurFest 2016, we are beginning to conduct surveys for a furry edition of TV’s Card Sharks to be played at a convention sometime in the future. As on the TV show, all questions are yes-or-no or this-or-that. Unlike the TV show, the questions will…