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Rachel / 32 / F / Pennsylvania

talk about The Office with me
Commissions: Closed
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Avi’s avatar

commissions open!

I'm having fun doing these commissions lately so I figured I'd set up actual pricing stuff in case people are interested. ranges based on complexity and all are digital. (I'm on my phone now so I'll add links to examples later, but generally these are lined colored and cell shaded) icon/ headshot:…

Avi’s avatar

Need a room for Anthrocon?

I was planning on going with a couple friends, but I've run into car troubles and it looks like i have to get the transmission replaced, which will cost me a couple thousand dollars. So at this point, I just don't have the money to be going to AC, and it would also be best if I didn't miss out on w…

Avi’s avatar


It looks like I'm ACTUALLY GOING TO ANTHROCON THIS YEAR wowowow :) Considering that this will cost me a lot of extra money, I'm going to finish up the current commissions I have tonight, and open for more! I've been a bit slow due to school/research, but it looks like I'll have some snow days this…