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Avatar for ArcusMike99


ArcusMike99 / 31 / Male

Cheers Love, the Cavalry's here!
Commissions: Closed
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Requests: Closed
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Is anybody here?, I'm sorry i havent uploaded anything and not been so active here ^^;

ArcusMike99’s avatar

Sorry for the inactivity

Hi guys!, I'm sorry that i'm not so active here, i went through some things that made me stay away from here for awhile, it's not something illegal!, I was just really depressed and preferred another site, I still like Weasyl, I've had alot of negative thoughts and i tried to fight them off but it…

ArcusMike99’s avatar

Incoming art dump

Attention followers and friends, i've gotten a chrome extension that lets me transfer all my commissioned art from FA to here so you better prepare cause Art Dump incoming!, i'll let you know in this journal when it's over