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Avatar for Age-of-Goositude


Katelynne Moore / 28 / Female / Down by the Lake

Honk Honk
Commissions: Open
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Closed
Age-of-Goositude’s avatar


6 days before we were going to move Peggo fell ill so as much cash as we can is going to her vet bills they estimate the testing will be 1000$ she had her blood drawn and cultures done today and goes back tomorrow for x rays. They think she has parasites, ate metal in the past and it is affecting h…

Age-of-Goositude’s avatar

Rescue and Hiatus

I will be going out to rescue a domestic goose today and may not be on much or drawing much till she is all better, photos of her and her story to come later. Thank you for your patience and support.