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Happy New Year! The two raffle winners! List of projects by Antiquity-Varmint

I do hope all of you did have wonderful year 2015, and will be looking forward to the year 2016 much as I do!

Wow, I did have 36 furries entered the raffle/lottery to win a prize from me. Impressive! I finally decided to pick two winners instead of one winner. So I can have more projects to work on this brand new year.

The two raffle winners are the Jebrone Kitty :jebroneicon: and Whippet :Whippeticon:

I have decided that raffle/lottery like this will only be hold once each year. Otherwise I will end up with lot of people sitting around waiting for free art instead, if I did more than one time each year. I can understand that free art is like gifts from heaven to many. I have been very tempted to do couple more free raffle/lottery to work for furries. However, I don’t want to take that risk to cheapen and devalued my own work. I don't even want to risk to cheapen and devalued other furry transformation artists' work as well too. I want to keep the economy in the furry transformation arts strong as possible. It needs to grow strong to help artists survive best as possible.

In my own opinion, furries should get jobs, make money, and than support their own favorite artists to help them survive. I do want many of the wonderful TF artists in the furry fandom to get paid for their wonderful work efforts, and their endless love for the furry TF arts. After talking with couple of my TF furry friends. The economy in the furry fandom is very underpaid and piss poor. Many times lacking enough clients and supporters to keep them going. Big nice healthy tips for many furry transformation furry artists would be greatly welcome as well too.

I would highly encourage many furry TF artists like myself to get real time job like I did. I'm now working in retail and feel lot happier working there for weeks. It's not art, but it finally allows me huge relief that my job puts the food on the table and paying the bills for my poor soul. It gives me chance to work with wonderful people in retail stocking, They really did keep my life going farther. I wouldn't give up any real life job (even non-arts) that offers steady paychecks better, it's important to me.

Here is the list of the five upcoming TF comic art projects, think it as a sneak peak of things to come.

TF comic :Beepyicon:
TF comic :jebroneicon:
TF comic :Whippeticon:
TF comic :takiumiicon:
TF comic, Furry Bobs (kangaroo)

Happy New Year! The two raffle winners! List of projects


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