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A Year in Review by Rob Swanson

With the year almost at an end, it seems like a good time to look back and reflect on how things have gone. On a personal level, I think that the last year has been pretty good. I picked up a new job, made some new friends, and have been successful in most of the things I have set out to do. I've posted a few journals about the new job, so I'll try not to spend too much time repeating how much I love it there and how much I like the new coworkers. It does feel good to be done with retail though. Being at a desk and working a supply-chain management position is a lot better than being on my feet all day, that's for sure.

If I remember right, one of my New Year's resolutions for this year was to try to be a little more involved in the furry fandom. I'm honestly not sure how successful I was at that. I mean, I went to my first convention this year and that was a lot of fun. But, I find myself not participating as much as I used to in a number of areas. There are a few livestreams that I no longer attend on a regular basis. As a result, there are a few people that I don't get the opportunity to see as often as I used to. This has, mostly, been due to a change in content provided. Places where I could go to see art have become more focused on drinking and playing video games. Don't get me wrong, that's fun to watch in the right context. It's just I can only watch someone play the same three or four games so many times before it just gets a bit old.

Balancing that out, I've started looking at producing the next iteration of the "How to Furry" guide. Speaking of which, Version 2.0 sits at 504 views right now. This is, by far, the most viewed and positively received piece of content that I have ever contributed to the furry fandom. I actually have not heard anyone say they don't agree with it or outright don't like it yet. Anyways, Version 3.0 is going to begin its development cycle soon. Expect to hear something about this in the first week or two of 2016.

Overall, 2015 has been a pretty good year for me. How has your year been?

A Year in Review

Rob Swanson

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    It's good to hear that your year has been good! I hope to see good things about how to furry 3.0 come the new year.
    As for my year, I think my icon says it all!