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Somethings are good now by PrincessofAsgard29

Me and my friend are good- I never wanted to leave her. I care about her way to much to leave honestly.

Like I said, it's just the people she hangs out with that are not- acceptable. But she tried calling me a few times saying I shouldn't leave because her group of friends are being jerks to me. So I'm guessing she means that she wants me to stay? But I'm just tired of her dumb friends always thinking "Oh I can attack her no problem." I'm just tired of her group of friends bullying me all the time when I'm just trying to rp. (they're more popular when it comes to rp on DA though) :/ sad but true. I honestly don't think they're all that great. But I will still be more active on here and fanfiction. I will try to be more active on everything else. (if I haven't forgotten the password to it ) ^^; hehe.

Buuut I thought I would let you guys know- I used to LOVE the Disney movie Treasure Planet!! I still kinda like it, but I'm not as obsessed as I was earlier in my years lol. I will still try to continue within finishing those old old fanfics I wrote at least. ^^; I'm in the writing mood anyway! :)

But yes, I'm feeling a lot better. <3

Somethings are good now


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