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Reflections on the year that was... by r-a-blackpaws

I know it's a bit early to do this, as the year isn't over yet...but after the twin vitriol-filled entries of this week (warning: there MIGHT be one more in between Yule and New Year's), I needed something a bit more...thoughtful.

This year was rough. Lots of medical dramas, two major losses (cousin in January, cat in May), ungodly amounts of stress from work and other people...
... fights (aunt got called out on her bullying of her mother in just now starting to talk to everyone again)...
...and lots of stress. Did I mention there was stress? nods Good.

I have had several friends go into depressive threaten suicide more than once this year...and I had a four-month long bout of depression (May to September).

About the only things that seemed to right this year were gaming and school. Everything else was really a big stressor for me.

I know that next year will be better as I am finally leaving my job/hell after 17-18 years of being there for the hope of graduate school since there is absolutely no way my employer will let me go to grad school full-time and have them relegated to under 20-hours of availability per week.
This in and of itself will cause stress, because it will spark a fight between my mother and myself...but this is something I have to do. For ME.

Pretty much all of my resolutions were shot this year, though one did last till September (did not shop at my employer till then) next year's resolutions will hopefully go better, aside from the generic ones (lose weight, get in shape, not bludgeon people with baseball bats for blatant stupidity).

So, in short: 2015 sucked raw eggs. 2016 is already planning on being better, thanks to the promise of FREEDOM. does her best William Wallace impression, without being tortured

And that's it. Resolutions will be posted New Year's Day, last vitriol-filled entry sometime between Yule and New Year's.

Toodles, y'all! ^.^

Reflections on the year that was...


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  • Link

    I think you just need to find time to visit a fox next year nodnod
    Wishful thinking but I mean I hope your 2016 goes swellingly ^_^

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    May you have a merry everything you celebrate :3
    And best wishes for the new year. nod

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    wanders in sleepily
    oh... i should let you know that the michigan furries have a website again... with a forum again... so you can know things again...

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      Coo. I shall have to peeka at it. Thank you. ^.^ hugs gently